Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 28. an Expofrtion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. t r. are precious. As the Lord relsthe Pròphet(Jer. t§. a9.)If than teak! away the preciousfrom the vile,tben Malt thou be as my mouth; that is,if in thy teaching thouput a difference between the godly. and the wicked, and doff not promifcuoufly give the portions and priviledges of the former to the latter ; then thou wilt ap- prove thy felt a man, fpeaking as I my (elf have fpoken,or have taught thee to (peak. The carnal! man takes them up all toge- ther, his eye diflinguìlheth not either precious things or perlons, yea as the Prophets [peaks (Ifa. 5.20.) Hepoetsdarknefs for light, and light for darknelt, he puts tweet for bitter, and bitterfor tweet, he puts good for evil, and evil for good. And as Chriff chargeth fuch (John;. a g.) They love darknefs rather then light, theyare fo far from feeking, that is, delighting in precious things, that they choofe the vilea things. But when the laborious miner goeth down into the path which he bath made in the earth, he teeth only precious thing, he takes no other notice of worthies (lopes, but only to put them by, that fo he may come at what is precious. As Elifha in another cafe profeffed, (a Kings 3.14) as the Lord of hafts liveth, before whom I(land,furelywere itnot but that I regard the prifence of Pbofhaphat the King of Judah, 1 worldnot look toward theenorfee thee. So would [bete men doe, in the prefent cafe, theywould not fee the things that are vile,nor look towards them, were it not that they regard the prefence of Gold and filver, and precious ffones, which lye in their company, . and are mingled with them. jabbath not yet finned his difcourfe concerning tbefe Adventurers, he gives one inflance more. Vert t ì. Hebindetb the floodsfromoverflowing, and the thing that to hid bringetb heforth to light. The floods mentioned in this verfe may be two fogs: F'irfi, . the fame which he 1pakeof at the the 4thverfe,.isalfo,inthe verfe immediately foregoing, where lob told us, that the Mineralifl cut out rivers among the rocks,which having done,poffibly they might annoy him ; therefore his next skill is to handle them fo, that they (hall not. For thisend, He binletb the floodfrom overffawing ; As He makes it flow to the advantage, fo he binds it to itsgood be- haviour, that it overflow not to thehindrance of his work. As the Lord by his infinite wifdom and power bindetb the Ocean,, and faithto the Set, HithertoMalt thou come; and nofurther, and here