Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

<zq 8 Chip. 28. jn Expaftion upon the Book of J o $, Verf. I r. =Saturn hereJhall thyproud wavesbe ftay'el ; So the miner would have thefe Voprief8ni` waters come as fares is neceflary for his ufe and benefit, but no fliltátioñe fu- further, and therefore he binds them left they fhould. The word, mttur ut ca.a& that is here eranílated, to bind, isapplyed to the binding up of a ró. Mere. child it fwathinabands, or to the binding up of a wound, And whereas we render, Hehindetbup the floodfrom overflowing, the text is, from weeping ; we fay of tome grounds, they are weeping grounds, and of banks, where the water ouzeth through, they are weeping banks. There artifis would bind up floods with fuch lure banks or bounds, that they (hould not weep through, nor fbed a tear to their annoyance. Thus Mr. Rroregbton renders, Hebindle's the floodsfrom weeping. Only take notice, char, this learned man conceives, that, the Antecedent to the relative He, is God him- felf ; for thus he gloffeth the text ; Goddryerb the fprings, from whence rivers ran, that they fails andhave not fa much eu tear of Water, Secondly, thefe floods may be fuch as are made from a- bove, not fuch as he found below. Excelsof rain falling from the clouds, cloth often make great floods,which naturally making their way downwards may fall into thofe capacious vaults which he bath made -under the earth, and, overflowing them, fpoylehis work. Therefore he provides againfi there water-floods alto, and binds them from over-flowing.Having thus fecured hismine, he carryeth on his bufinefs with fuch fuccefs, that if any thing of worthbe to be had,he lights upon ir, and will have it, as job con- cludes this verfe and his whole dìfcourfe upon this fubjedt in the next words. And the thing that ishid bringetb be toligbt. That is,he difçovvers thofe riches which,till then,never law the Sun, though wrought by the powerful influences of the Sun, as Gemms and Minerals are. The wdtds are near of the fame fence and import with what he laid in the former verle. Hie eye` feetb.every precious thing; yet there isan obfervable difference be-' tween them ; That fpeaking of the fight which himlelf bath of thofe pecious things, but this, of his bringing them out ro the fight, and for the ufe of others. The fum of all is ; that where- as vat} treafures lay buryed and concealed from all former gene- racions,he brings them toopen view,and prefenrs them ro the eye of the world. He having let or brought in the light to them, lets From or brings them out to light.