150 Chap.z8. an Expofit-ion Upon the Book of j o B. Verf t ayæ r,guYn ne- ken the hands of men greedy of gain. Some of the ancient Hea- cepYas hcmir t ens have at once flood admiring and bemoaning man in this ;. adfrderaore- Ihey have wondred what fo great necefTiry that is, which bath 1umincurva- comp man,who is made of an erect countenance,withhis face wit etdefodit,ut heaven-ward, thus to bow down and dig himfelf into the earths eYUEYBY oürüm to get chofe things which are not got with more danger then they more or pe- b ricuio quæren- are pofìelled, when gotten. But though we cannever bewayle darn quampof- this too much, no, nor enough, yet we need not much wonder at ¡dendum. Sen. it : There being many confiderations whichmay fatisfie us, why 1.6. Natur. man, though thefe things cannot fatisfie him, isyet fo unfatisfied Q f}. c. 2$. without them. Terrence terra- Becaufe there things are connatural unto man ; man is no. Sapit. a kinunto the earth, and the things of the earth; he wasmade out of the dull of the earth; and what is gold but yellow duff ? or fil- ver but earth purifyed by the fire ? man and earthly things being fo nearly related, nomarvaile if man muddle in the earth after them ; till hisnature is renewed, this motion cannot bediverted. (fohn 3. 3 t.) Re that is of the earth (in his original) it earthly (in his converfation)ao4 fpeakethof theearth. All his fpeeches and all his a66ions favour of the earth, Philofophers fay, The temperof mans mind followstb the temperamentofhis body ; and if fo, how can the mind of man be but earthly, feting thegeneral temperament of his body is earth. And therefore the Apoffle fpeaking of force profeffors who were fo only in profe(lion, faith of them, Their god is their belly, they mind earthly things(Phìl.3.. s9.) And 'tis trueof Godly men too, who have much earth dill about them,that though theyart not earthlyminded,, yet earthly things are much in their minds ; fird, to think of them ; fecond- ly, todefirethem ; thirdly, tocompafs and poffefs them. Secondly, Earthly things have a glorious glitter and appear- ance in them ; they are the mod taking objeas of the eye.. The Apodle john (t Ep. 2. 16.) calls coveroufnefs (which chiefly refpeets goldand precious things)The lafi ofthe eyes; that is,rhae which the eye ludeth after. And man is naturally led by fence. The Apofile faith, We (that is, Saints) sralkrby faith and not by fight; implying, that all on the other fide of the line of Grace walk by fence, and not by faith (zCyr. S. T.) And again, (Chap. 4. 18.) We look, not at things that arePeen ; we, that is,, we believers dosnot, but the unbeliever or unregenerate man looks