Chap. z8. 4v4-4 Expo/ition upon the Book of J o a, Verf, a r. as I looks onlyat the things that are teen ; and becaufe men are fo greedy of this tight, therefore theywill dig,aad cut through rocks and mountaines, and make themfelves paths to there treafures, which the Vultures eye path not Peen. Thirdly, Man bath continual ufe of there things, they accom- modate all his affaires in this world, Solomon faith(Eccl. 7. a 2.) wifdom is a defence, and money is adefence ; that is, a wife man will procure himfelf defence by his money. He faith again, (Eccl, ro. rg.) Money anftvers a!t thing ; that is, any thing may be had, and almoft any thing may be done bymoney. Money Et Genus 7 anfwers beauty and Nobility.Icmakes the deformed comely, and formom regina the bafe-born honourable ; It fervesall turnes andbufineflv, and petuniadamn. therefore we (hould not wonder, if there be fuch an appetite or Horst. inftintft in man, to fcarch into the bowels of the earth for the materials of it. - Fourthly, Man rifeth up in repute and eflimition in the world, as he gets more of there things ; worldly honour and credit flow in with riches ; men are dìflinguifhed by their poffeffions ; few value men by grace, by faith, &c. Aman may be rich in faith, and abound inholinefs, and yet find little refpeet with men : but ifa man be wealthy, if he have flore of flyer and gold, he is re- fpeóted by moft, and adored or made (as it were) an Idol by force. They that are fpiritual, know how to caeca) men for fpi- rituals, but commonly men are valued by their value and worth in temporals. This givesus another account, why the treafures of the earth are fought and purfued with fo much eagernefs. And indeed they are purfued with fo much eagernefs, that the Pro- phet David knewnot which way in the world, to (hew a higher caeca) of, and (+rongeraffections unto Cod and his wayes, the ways of holinefs,thenby feying,ehtt he efieemedor af' 6ted them more thou all the treafures ofthe viol Id(P(al. 119. 14.) dhave rejeyced in the way of thy terimonies,as much res in allaches ; The Hebrew ir, as it all riches ; we funply, as macb as in all riches ; not that David: f iris flood upon equal termes between God and the world, For he that rejrwceth in God,no more then in riches rejoyceth much leis in him then his duty is. And therefore Da- vid explaines nirs4 e f fully to this in the 72d of the fame Palm, 'The laws of thy mouth is better untome the., thoufands of gold and flyer, Both texts (hew how much gold and filver are efteemed, K k z when