Chap. 28. an E.xpoftion upon the Book, of Jo E. Verf. t I. meat ro many, is much more tirefome. Some one lu(i is engaged and works in getting, but all the lulls of a mans heart may beat work in the enjoyment of the world. And if to obey the corn- mandi of one lull huh tired many a man, how will that man be tired who is at the command of many, of every lull ? So then, we may conclude, There is left trouble in feeking earthly treafures, then there is in ufing andpofJ"cfng them, though that trouble is far enough from being little,. The fum ofall is, Vaine man trou- bles himfelf verymuch to get himfelf more. trouble, The Apo- file Paul feems mucharfé&edwith it, that the care of tholewho run races for honour and temporal rewards, fhouldnot be equal- led, if not exceeded, by the Saints in running their race for glory and immortality ; Every man thatßrivethfor thema/lery, is tem- perate in all things (i Cor. 9. 25.) Now (faith he) they doe it to obtain a corruptiblecrown, but we an incorruptible. When men are torun a race,how doe they dyet and order themfelves before? and when they come to the race, howdoe they (train themfelves, and all for a corruptible crown ; we are firiving for an incor- ruptible crown, (hallwe not be temperate in all things? fhall we not ufe much fobriety, and be much in mortification and felf- denial, that we may fo run as to obtain ? The temperance and painesofáce-runncrs,the labour of earth miners, will rife up in judgement againfi all thole that are fluggifh and floarhful in foul- matters yea the wifdom of there men, will rife up in judge men againfi thoufands, who pretend tobe very wife. The miners goe dire&ly to the place where gold is, they leek not gold upon a green tree, nor precious gemms upon a vine ; but they dig down into the earth when they would have there things. 'Tis folly to Peek, things out of their proper place. But we may fay to many as the Angel to Mary, Why leek ye the living among the 1eed qon m 1 dead ? Why reek ye heaven in the boweles of the earth, and glo- u atyuod p_ ry in the wayes of fin ? They labour in the earth, as if heaven is fe;rec=fuf{1, felf were to be had there ; and they labour for heaven, as if not non:. fo much as thisearth were to behad there. But when with grei- Et pod flelli vous Coyle they havegotten that which bath only a thewof good, fawn tranfali. they will know (too late for recovery) that which is really fo. ,edemerfapeln I will dole this admonition to earthly minded, and earth-mind- tutu. ingmen, with Davids chidingquefiaon (Pfal. 4. 2.) 0 ye fon: of Boet.lib. de men, how lere will ye#sve vanity; and feekafter leafing? When Confol.Phi- a will Scf. 253