254 Chap. 28. an Expefition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. aI. will ye pray, as he doth (v. 6.) Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon ter ? when will ye be able to fay (as he did, v.7.) from your experience of the anfwer of fuch a prayer ; Lord thou hail put glodneft in our hearts, more then in the time, that (eith..r other mens or our own) cornand wine, goldand filver did encreare. There is nothing can divert the thoughts of man and his de- fires from the world,but to dire& them upon God. And thoughts of God are more then a diverfion of our thoughts from the world, they are the death and mortification of them. Earthly delires can- not live in the aire of heaven, no more then anycreature can, when taken out of or off from its proper element. The gladnefs which the light of Gods countenance puts into the heart, con- quers and kills the gladnefs which the glitter of gold and filver puts into the heart. As God alone will be All in all to Saints in heaven,fo they whoare much with himhere in the aetings of faith and love, cannot but delight in him above all, and rife up to Do- vidreonclufion, fromDavids Quetlions (Pfal. 25.) Whom havewe inheaven but thee ? and there h none (either thingor per- fon) upon earth, that we der :re befides thee. Thus far Job bath defcribed the labour of man, in Peeking worldly treafure, thevein for Clver, and the place for gold , eì- ther where they find or fine it ; And having finifhed this dii.. courfe he comes to thew that there is a vein of wifdom, which few men in the worldhave a delre to reek, and which none of the menof the worldhave anability find. JO B1