Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Céhap. 28. an Expoftïon upon the Book of g, Verf. t 2, 2 5 S JOB 28. 12, to theend of the I gth v°rfe, 12. But where /ball wifdom befound? andnrhere is the place ofunderftanding 13. Man knoweth not the price thereof, neither is it found in the landof the living. 14. The depthfaith, It is not in met thefeafaith, It is not with me. x5. it cannot be gottenfor gold, neither (halljiver be weighed for theprice thereof. 16. It cannot be valued with thegoldofOphir, with thepreciosa onix, or thefaphir. 17. Thegoldand the cryflal cannot equal it : and the exchange ofit(hallnot beforjewels offinegolde. 18. No mention(ball be made ofcoral, or of pearls: for the price ofwifdom is above rubies. 19. TheTopaz ofEthiopia fhallnot equal it, neither (hallit be valuedwithpuré gold. INT the former part of this Chapter, we found Job difcourfing of that natural wifdom which is implanted in man by God. And there he {hews by an induetion of many inflances, what that wifdom can doe, how far it can work;: that, can fearch the bofome and bowels of the earth, and difcernwhit's there; that can fetch or draw out gold and fiver and precious hones from thence ; that canmailer and overcome all the'difficulties and im- pediments, and out dare all the dangers that {land in the way of thofe attainments ; that wifdom can purifie and refine, perfe& and polifh all forts of metals and gemms, into a firnefs for the ufe and ornament of man all this the wifdom of man can doe.. Mofi men can fee far into nature ; force men can fee her quire through , they are (as it were) of coined with nature, and know her whole heart, all her fecrers : all this man doth and bath by natural wifdom, which yet is the gift of God to man, Agift common toman as man. So that there is nothing in this lower world, nothing in the lower parts of this world, which bath nc t been