Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

2s6 Chap. 28. an Expofition upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 1 been difcovered and drawn our, either by the diligence of man, or by the fuccefíion of times. All things have their original and period,sheir beginning and ending,eheir entrancesand their iliucs in certain times and places. But now (in the following,part of this Chapter, as was toucht in thevifion of the whole) fob makes report of a wifdom which bath neither beginning nor end, neither vein nor iffuc fearcha- bie by man r yea, that wifdom of man which is fo pregnant and piercing, fo a&ive and fucceffeful in difcovering the works of God in nature, which are done below, even within the bowels of the earth, is not only puzled often and at a (+and, not only'non- plufs'd often and graveld , but is fometimes Bark blind to fee, and utterly unable to unty the knot and difcover the my(tery of thofe works of God in providencewhich are done aloft upon the face of the earth. Verf. iz. Rut where fhall wifdom befound? Man, who bath digg'd and found out many fecrett, knows not where to dig for, or find out this fecret. And fob gives four rea- Ions, in the procefs of this Chapter, why he cannot. Firif, 13ecaufe there is m° place ,particularly defigned for it ; He knows not where to break ground, with any hopeor probabi- lityof finding this treafure. He treats of andenlarges this reafors -with much excellent variety. (Ver. t2,13, -14.) Wbbere'ha(l toil- km befound ? and where is the placeof under/landing ? It it not found in the land of the living. The depth faith, at isnot inme, &c. Secondly, Becaufeman bath noprice in his hand toobtain it ; As these is no place in nature where it can be found, fo all the treafures of nature, cannot reach the purchafe of ir. And thisfob profecutes from the i sth verfe inclufively to the end ofthe t 9th. It cannot begotten forgold, neither ¡hall Averbe weighed for the price of it, &c, Thirdly, He (hews, that as there is no place where, nor price whereby, fo nopower in the creature to attain it. This wifdom isnot compaffable by (that price for which the old heathens laid their gods fold all things) fiudy, labour, and induflry ; Which fob intimrtes (ver. 21, 22.) when he faith, It le hid from the eyes of all living, andkept clofe from the fowlsofthe aire, &c. There are force