Chap. 28. 1/1+7 Expo/it:on upon the Bockóf j o B. 'erf. a i 57 fome things which no man can buy with Gcld.or Silver,which yet may be got by fludy and labour. But no beating of the brain, no bitingof the nails can find out this fecrets ;'ris kept dole from the fow Is of the aire, even from thole men who loare high- eh after ir in Rudy and éonremplacicn. Theft fowles of the aire cannot còm_e at. it, ,for God purpofely hides it as a referve to hits,. fell; It is kept dole ; and whe.e ? even in the b:eaf of Gód, that's,the cabinet. Asthe Kirgs and P. inces of this world have many fecrets and 'mill cries cfstate, which every man mull rot ,know, and Tome fecrets which no man mull know, in the whole cotitpafs of ir, but only here alift.le; and there a little ; fo hash God infinitely more. Fourthly, He concludes, that God, and God Only bath this wifdotn, becaule He, and He alone, bath at once a full prorpe t of all things all the world over,in all times, even in cne and the fame time., He that hath not fuch a view of`things as this, 'of he that fees thingsonly byparts,orin this or that part of the worldor' in this and that part of time, can never underhand the full mind. of God in what he doth, fetingwhatfoever he doch is don: with an infallible fight and fore-light of all things in all places and thorough all times, pafl,prefent,and tocome.And this jobproves from the a 3d to the 27th verle; Godunderffändeth the way there- of,:and beknorveth the place thereof,for he looked; to the ends of the earth, and feeth under the wholeheaven, tomalte the weighefor the windes,andbe weigheth thewaters by meafure :when he made a de- creefor the rain, and a wayfor the lightning of the thunder, then did he fee it and declare it,he preparedand fearchedit out. As if he had faid, God let all things in order, and law the order wherein they were let from everlaliing, and therefore God and none but God, underflandeth the way of wifdome, and knoweth the place thereof. 'Upon all there grounds, lob concludes,that this fécond fort of wvìfdom, (for I formerly dif{inguifhed of three forts of wildome treated on in this Chapter Firft, Wifdome about naturals ; Se- condly,Wifdom about provideatials;Thirdly,Wifdom about fi- ritualls;upon cheCe grounds I fay, fob 'concludes that this fecund fort of wifdórn) referring to the providences of God in admini- firing the things of this world,whether to the one fort of.mankind er the other, bath fuch knotsin it as no man can wiry, filch ;idles LI in