Chap .2,7. An Expfition upon the Bosh of J o B. Verf,z. his judgment, and he lay under the feverefl judgment of men , ( I. Cor . 3.4i 5, 6. ) -¡'%th me it is a veryfrnall thing that I//mild be fudgedof you, or of mans 3.udgrnent(I know then cenfure me li- berally ) for I know nothing by my fete (1 am cleare in my owne conicie ce ) yeti am not hereby 3xftified, But he that Judgeth me is the Lord. God judgeth all men prefencly, as cohis owne knowledg of their eliace, and he will ere long tublifh the know- ledge of their Bate to ethers, even in the Bares and to the open view of all. Therefore (the Apofile concludes, v, S, ) Judg nom thing before the timeuntill the Lordcome, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darknefs, andwill manifeft the countels of theheart ; and then fha/l every man(who bath been falCely accufed and wrongfully di-graced by men) have praifc of God. In the Great Judgment God will take away that Judgment of outward approbation from all wicked men which the world had given them,& he will give that Judgment of outward approbation to all godlymen, which himCelfe had taken away from them while they were in this world;and they fhall fay in that day, The Lord liveth who bath reflored cur Judgment, which he was pleafed ( as job faith here ) once tocake away. And the almightywho bath vexed myJoule, Here againe we are to repeate or fuppofe the oath, As God li- a°aafr miran= pod veth, whobath taken awaymyjudgment, and ( as ) the Almighty rQ btpudeu , ( liveth) who hash vexed my foul. This title of God almighty, taro gur2 diuq; notes, firfl, the flrength ; fecondly,the goodneffe of God. As the mum ergat, Lord is powerfull, fo he is the fpring, and fountaine of goodneffe Bold. and mercy to his people;nevertheleis though the Lord be thus a! nsighty,rhough he be thusmerciful], and good in himfelf, yet(faith fob ) be vexeth my foul. The text is, He maketh my joule bitter, He is bitter to me it is ufual to expreffe a:ffliStion by bicterneffe, and the inflicting of afili&ion upon any, by imbiccering them. There is a threefoldnotion of bitterneffe in Scripture Firll, Sin is called bitterneffe ( Hof. 12. 14.)Epbraimprovoked him to anger mo9 bitterìy,Vre tranflate in the fuperlative ; the text is,Ephracm_ provoked him to anger with bitterneffes. What provokes God to anger ? it is fin; and what is fin .? bitterneffe,yea bitterneffes;there is acolledlton of all bitcerneffes in any fin how many bicternef- fes are there then in a collection of many fins ! Ephraimprovoked him