48 Chap. 27. din Expofatión opon the Book of j o s. VerfS, in this. So then, Sob doth not fpeak of them as of reprobates; whom, God had not brought, nor would bring into a (late of ju- flifìcation;but he fpeaksof them as having fpoken and done fuch dbfïtut vos ju- things as ought tobe reprobated, or difapproved by all good men, flat et veraces and which noman ought to juffifie. medled not either with babeam bat in the conRant courfeof their lives, or the Rate of their fouls, he parre, ut'ce, went no further than what concerned the prefent difputation;Go4 (tram tï. probers. forbid that I fhotld juflfie you in that. Me But howdoth man ju(ltfie man? isit not God that ju(lifitth 3 as the ApoRle Paul(peaks ( Rom. 8. 53. ) How then doth fob fpeak, as ifhe had power to juRifie ? I anfwer, as before, fobs wordsare not to be underffood of the jufiification of their perfons before God,but of the juffification of their aelions towards him, before man;god forbid that I(hould ju(lifaeyore; that is,that I should affirm that to be true of me, which ye my friends affirm tobe true,or that ye havedealt friendly, according tb the rule of truth withme. We juffi%e aman, when, what he affirms we (land to, or whenwe fay that thing iswell done whichhe hach done, or that he bath done well in doing ir;this is to juffifie him. Man juffifieth man, when heaffirms that to be truewhich he faith, and that to be good which hedoth ; of that he bath done and fpoken nothing but what is good and true. No man can either juRifie or cony demnanother, as to the determining of his Rate, but we may ( upon jut grounds) either condemne or juRifieanother, as co the approving or difapproving of his way. Thus job profeffeth hewill not juRìfie his friends, he will not fay as they faid, nor think well of what they haddone he could not do it, he would not do it till he dyed (as he fpeaks in the next claufe) chit is, hewould never do it. Hence Obfer-ve ; PiTR, We may and muff judge ofmen, as they are anddo. We muti both juffifie and condemn as we fee, or according ,towhat appeares. Mans ju(ificarionof man, "mufI proceed upon ocher terms than Gods juRification of man doth. God juRifieth the ungodly ( Rom. q.. "5. ) But woe tothole men who juffifie the ungodly ; God would not juutfie the ungodly, but for the righte- oufneffeofanothtr ; and (hall we juffifie the unp,odly in their o unrig hteoufnefté ? Whomfoever we juRiftea muff firi be Julia