Chape9 An Expoftion sapo .the Book ,of Jo B. Verf.24. 6t9 As'tio an honour among men, fo a mercy from God, to gover- nours, when due reverence towards them is kept up in the hearts ofthe people under them, or when theirfubjefis both know and kelp their di f anc,e. There is much of God fcen in maintaining the value ofPrincee, that they grow nor cheap in vulgar opinion. When a Magiftrate hark ioU his cifimation, he bath little el;e ro lofe ; and while he keeps that unblemifhed and untoucb'r, he cannot be at any great lofs for any thingelfe. The honour of Magi{frates is as uieful to them, as credit is to Merchants. As there can neither buy nor fell, neither ¿rade nor traffick without the one,fo neither can they either reward or punifh,nor are they either loved or feared without the other. When the Lord was purpoCed to bringutter confufion upon the Jewifh flare, he threatens by the Prophet (Ifa, 3.5.) The child [hall behave bimfelf proudly againf? the ancient,andtbe bafer, or man of light eft eon(as the Original word fignifits) againfl the honourable, or men of weight and wortá. 'Tis as bad as canbe with a people, when they will not knew' their betters. There's but little difference between the levelling and the ruining of a nation.And therefore as it is the, command and appointment of Goel,that men ihould be ranked into & live in a comely fubordination ,fo it is an x& of his mighty power, yea of his gracious favour to keep them to ir. When Once men break their bounds,they will quickly break their peace ; and they who do not acknowledge and honour a head in their own, muff uetl avoidably be made the tail of all other Nations. Not to refpe& thofe who are above , is to bring all under ; and they who will not fubmit to government , muff whether they will or no, fubmit to deflru&ion. Naturalì(is fay, the Elements are not bur - denfome in their proper place ; nor are men (in civil reepe&l ) while they keep theirs ; we never burden nor trouble one ano- the.r while we keep our ownplace, and a& towards our fuperi- oreas confidering their piace. Let all take heed how they car+ down the tight of the countenance of 'Mágiffrates, leg thereby they put out their oNn ; or (as it was raid to David the cheif Magifirare,inanother cafe, a Sam. 2t. 17.) Left theyTaencb the light of 'from'. For if the lightof aNationmaybe quench'r, when a Prince fails by an ov_er valorous venturingof himfeif asainf} t:. Kkkka enc