624 Chap. 29. An Expafition slur the Bock. of J o sa. `Vert. 25, ready to take part with and uphold the fpirits of his people their worfi condition. From the words thus opened, Obferve ; Fitts, It it an honour to habit to direa other', and to -ebuft out their way for them. in He is a wife Man that underflands his own way, or is able to guide himfelf. The wifdom o ftheprudent it totenderffanl bit wa; (Prov.4,8,) But to be able to underfiand the way of others, and to be a publickguide, is an argument ofgreater wifdome, Secondly, Job who chofe eut their way, had the chewier of Magif}racy upon him. Whence obferve, It-is the duty ofthe tMagiffrate, to be a leader and direllerof thepeople, to chufe their way for them. It is the duty of the Minìfiersof Chri"ii, to chufe out or dire& the way of man in fpiritual things: As the Apofiles did (Alls T. 37,38.) when many of the Jews who had pierced Curia were prickt at the heart upon the hearing of Peters Sermon, and fail untohim, and the refit of the Apoffles, Men and brethren, what fl,all we do ? Then Peter Paid, repent and be baptized, &c. AMi= Wilier (hould be able tochufe or chalk our the way of falvacïon toand for thofe who are either quite out of the way, or, are as it were in a wildernefs, where they fee no way to be faved. Thus allo it is the duty of Magil}rares to chufe cut the way for the people in all civil things. Jethro giving advice to Mofes whom to fet over the people, faith (E:eod. I8, 2r.) Thou (halt provide out of all the people able men,fuch ad fear God, mete of truthhating covetouf,.ef!. He Both not only fay provide fuch as fear God, and are honed men ; but they mull alto be able men. But who are they ? He dotti not mean able men of body, i hat is, firong men,nor able men only o' purfe, that is, rich mer ;but able men of part =, and of gifts, men of underfianding, lc is nor enough tomake a man a Magifirate, no nor a Minifler, that he is godly; every one that bath grace is cot fit to each others, nor is every one that bath grace fit to rule others, they mugi be able men, menable rp chufe out theway of the people(as job was) eeho a in