Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chap. 29, 4n ExpolitiWopen the Bookof J o s. Vert. 25. 625 in the fphear either of Magifiracy or Mini(iry. They that rule muffknow the Law, elfe how (ball they dire& others according to the Law ? And therefore it is denounced as a caufe upon a people(Ifa.;.4,)I will givechildren to be their Princes, and babes (hall rule over them. Andwhat work they are like tomake in the Governmenr,we may read at the i ath verfe of the fame Chapter, As for my people children are their oppreffors, and women rule over deem : 0 my people, they which lead thee (namely,thefe thy child- ith and womanifh Governours) caufe thee to erre, and deffrey the wayof tbypaths. The Scripture Both not fpeak thus in contempt of womenand Children as toGovernment ; for Deborah a wo- man governed magnanimoufly, and we have had a famous expe- rienceeven of mafculine vertue in the reign of our Elizabeth; yea Childrenhave governed well,witnefs young Nab in Judah, andEdward the fixth iaEngland.Sothat when the Lord threat- ned his peoplewithwomen and children to rule over them, there is no necefiity of underfianding it at all properly of women in firi& notion,who are the weaker veffel according to their fex, or of Children (in (iricnotion)who are but weak of iunderfianding according to their age,feeing God can furnifh there wh an he pleafcth, beyond both fexand age with a fpirit of Government ; But the meaning is,that even chofe men,though ancient men) who ruled over them,(hould be as the '*aketi of women andchildren, that is, as it follows in the Prophet,,"°they fhould caufe them to erre (or lead them into errors)landdeflroy the way of their path. They fhould be fo far from Jobs noble I ufefulneffe to chafe out their way, that they fhould lead them quite out of their way. Thus falfe Prophets and unfound teachers, are leaders of the people, aiding them ro erre. And fo are unskilful Magifirates. When job faith again,I chafe out their way, and fat chief, Obferve ; Magifiracy is an Eminency. The exercife of that power loth unavoidably fetPaine above others, or one above all. There's no geverningupon evenground.To fit chief is the Circumlocutionof Government. Fourthly, Job who fat chief, was a good mac, a godly man, a man fearingGod ; hencenote, L ill Some