Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

626 Chap.29. vfn Expofition upoí`tbe Book 4.30 a. verf.25. Sometimes good men are great men; and they whoare upper- mofi with God, get uppermofß in the world. A ob fits chief. Fiftly, See what a happinefs the people lived in while yob fat chief ; the eye that faro him bleffedbim,and when the ear beard . him it gave witnefs to him, becaufe he delivered the poor t bat cryed and thefatbirleffe, andhim that bad none to help him, the bleffing of him that was ready to perifh came upon him, and be eaufed the widows heart tofing for joy.'.Tie well with apeople(as to their rights) when they bavegodly and righteousGovernours.Good men make good times.. Secondly, He faith, 1 fat cheif, as a king in the Army. Yob teems to intimate the readinefs of all to obey him, by alluding to the readinefs of Souldiers to obey their officers, efpecially their chief Officer. Military difcipline is thefevereff andflriticft difcipline. A Souldier muff obey every look of his Officer, much more his orders ; if he doth not (in many cafes)he diesfor it. Hence note ; Magiftrates ought to have ready obedience. The obedience of fibre/1s$ only limited,as that of fervents is, . it muff be in the Lord, that-as, in all things honefl and lawful, and fo far fubjefts oughtto obey their ßovertkours , as Souldi- ers doe their Generalls, with all readinefs. The Centurion (Mat. 8. 9.) Paid, I amalto a man under authority, .'having Souldiers ,ender me (chat is, I amunder the command of fuperior Officers in the. Army, and I being an Oilicer have Souldiers under my command)and Ifay to tbia man go,and begoeth and unto another come,and he cometh ; and tomyfervant do this, and he -,doth it r fo it was with fob,hewas among his people as a Kin° in his Army, and his flrengthwas the good will and free fubmiflìon of his fub- jeó s ; that's the befI army. Seventhly, obferve t is both the honour and duty of t9dtagiffrates, bowgreatfo°` euer in power, to de a comfort andfuccour to their people, jobwas as a King in the Army,yet he was WO as one that com.. for tech