Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

628 Chap. 2g. Expofitrox upon Ide Book of J Ò s. Vert. ti5.'. as tocafe themof their forrow ; That he fhould have a knowing head, and a fimpathizing heart , that be thould be amanof un= derf+anding, and aman of bowels; that he (hould have power like an army to defend chem,and compatlion like: friend to com- fort them ? I have now finifhed this Chapter and Job'sdefcription ofhis former light and profperous efiare. In the next he turns the Ta- ble, and thews us his prefent dark and difconfolate elate. This Chapter concludeswith,If I laughed on them they bcleivsl it ntt. &c. That begins with, Now they that are younger than 1,bevsme sndsrifieu,&c,He himfelf was laughed at. The cafe was altered.. A T A-