THE iAL E. D;vil,mby called the God of this world. 22o. Dcvills, whycalled the fowler ofthe ayr. 291. Devil the beginner and Author offin. 401. What the works of the Devil are. 401 Dfñculties, great works meetwitb great difficulties. 237. D.fficalties muff not hinder us, but we muff re- move them. 238 Diflrufiful thoughts and fearer about worldly things moff tencomely for a godly man. 56o Divination about future events, how made by the heathen. 293 Doetrine,or preaching ofthe treetb,bow like rain. 328 D:oppings,wby theSermont ofthe 'Pro- phets were expreffed by it. S96 Duty,to calf offduty is to loaf /en on mi- fery. 176. They who are flowef to duty, would run fafleff from danger. 192,1 93 Dye, to dye in our naß, what. 557. A godlymax thinks of dying while in profperity. 558. To dye in peace a defireable mercy. 559 E Ear, togive ear, notes five things in Scripture. 582 Earthly things, we have no affurance of tbem.168.Tbey never befriendeda- ny man for heaven. 287 E,fl-wind, two things noted of it in Scripture. 182 Egypt, worldly men, how like ;:the land of Egypt. 6o ç Ele&ioa, the term; of mans elc&ion andGods are fgvite different. 49. Ele&ion, cannot be made without conßderatien. 3 20 End of a thing takentwo wayes 23o Enemies oftwo forts. 67. Let this be to my enemy, what it imports in Scripture. 70 Epicurus, his wicked opinion concern. ing thunder and lightning. 33 t Error will have the worff at 14. 2. The vanity of maintaining anerror. 129 Etcrnity,Ged faw all things frometer- nity. 339, 340 Ethiopia, twocountries fo called, which arefamous for the Topaz,. 279 Evil of fin, bow it muff be departed from. 393, 394 Euroclydon, what. 282 Excellent,tbings which are fo in them- felves prove often hurtful to man. 225 F Faith,wirbeut faith no prayer tit beard, or duty accepted by God , 99 Faithful, what it fignifes in Scripture. 365 Fame, taken two wayes. 302. Father,taken two wayes in Scripture. 540 Favour of God or man, railed the light ofthe countenance. 61i Fear of god, adofrine and a duty for all men. 360. Efpecially for Magi - flrates. 361. what the Fear of the Lord is. 362, 363. 'Tis wrought god bimfelf. 364. How it is my wifdome, and what kind of wifdomr its