Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

it is. 364. Tbere is a fear Pilch is not our wifdome, the forts of it. 366 Natural fear, what it is. 366,367 Sinful and fuperflitious feare de- fcribed, 367, 368. Slavifh feare'. defcribed. 30. Spiritual holy fear taken two wayes in Scripture. 373 Wby feare ispromifed byname in the Covenant of Gracerather thanfaith. 375. Feare bath refpeEt to the word in a threefold notion. 376. A three- fold effei offeare as it refpefts the Word. 377. How this feare is ex- ercifed about the works of god,"ordi- nary and extraordinary, whether of mercy or of fudgment. 378, 379 How feare examines our thoughts. 383. Moral bonefly avayls not with- outtbis feare. 383. Four fruits or effects ofthis feare. 3 84, 385.Haly feare the fpring of Courage. 386 Whence it is, that there isfo little of this feare. 3 88. FevreofGod how our wifdome. 589. Three arguments opened toPhew that it isfo. 39© Firmament, what it is. 321 Floods what inScripture,and what the Lordsfitting upon them implyetI.3 22 Forgetfulnefs, how afcribed to the foot, to the hand. 23 Free-will °Perings only acceptable to Clod. 99 Fulnefsor abundance, how it helps on our lofts. 465 G T.AABLE. ,,. Gares have a fourfold fife. 469 Gemme or preciousfloneitfeell of light, jet called Stones ofdarknefs, and why 232 God, why called living, 16. How God is honoured as the living God.z6,i7 WeShould be ready to dye for the liv- ing God. 18. There is no contend- ing with God. 136,137 God, bow he is fail to hide hisnfelje. 295. God takes notice of every thing. 3 e6 God declares himfelf three ways. 343. God had aperfect 'account of things in himfelf from cverlaftting. 344. God nags himfelfe upon the wicked, to crufh them. 189. God himjefe in wrath is the portion of the wicked, as in mercy he is the portion of the godly, 090 God forbid, the Scripture fence of it opened. 41. a caution about ufing that forme offpeaking. 44 Gold, the KingofNlettals. 205. The fpecial places ofGold. 211. Gold beautifulto theeye. z r 1, 212. Gold dro/ie till refined. 21 3. Thefeveral excellencies ofGold. 2 24. It i5 the Shadow of Grace and things Spiritual. 224, 22 5, Gold corrupts man.22 Gold will not buy the bell things. 273. Gold Shut up two wages. ; 73 Gold the Covetous mans God. 280 Golden age, Taft according to the Scri. pture, or it fhall return at /aft, 227e 228 Good, every man is that good which he doth and procure!h to another. 5 39 Goodnefs of God, how finful it is not to, fear God becan/e ofit 3 81 Greareft Oates have greatefi turner, M in- mm 16 .li