Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

THE TABLE. Grace like gold in three things. 224 Grace much better than the belt things of the world. z86. Grace bet- ter than all ornaments of Gold and f Iver. 5 3 3 Gravity,' The light of a Magifirates countenance. 612. The ufualpofture ofa Magiftrate. 618 Glory, what it is. S76 H Hand ofGod notes his help. 119. How dreadful a thing it is to fall into the hand of god, (hewed 192,193 Hardnefs of heart offeveral forts. 387 How coifed by cafting ofthe fear of God. 387 Hearing, to hear another well is an ho- nour to him. 583 Hearr,teacbeth thewhole man, 35. Con- tinual entercourfe between the heart and tongue. 38. 'The heart is putfor the Confcience. 6o. Heart how en- larged by fear. 387 Heathens bow affliCted withfoeperfliti- our fears. 369 Hell fgnifyeth the lows and worft con- dition,ar Heaven thehigheftand heft. 188 Helplefs condition the writ condition. 515. 'To help the helplefs is the nobleft way of helping. 5.17 Hiding our [elves proceedsfroma three- fold caufe. 481 Miffing atothers, orfor others, uebatr it notes in Scripture. 195 H'enouts bave fpoyled moil mens Man- ners. 553 Hopetaken three wages in Scripture. 77. Where there is no hope in God, there canbe nodelight in God. zo6 5©7 Hypocrite, what hisgains maybe,fhew-, ed infiveparticulars. 78.7óe Hypo- crites refs is not good.80. The Hypo- cite may befull ofhope, andhis hope may live as long as be lives. 81 . The hypocrites hope grounded both spin temporal andfpiritual things. 8 t Death puts an end to the Hypocrites hope. 82. Hypocrites often great worldly gainers. 94. A hypocrite may delire to dye,but be is never wil- ling to dye. 87. Trouble fha8 come upon the hypocrite. 91. He will pray in trouble. 93. He bath na delightin prayer, but would get safe by it, 95, GodBoth not regard the hypocrites prayer. 97. Hedotb not delight in God. r03. Hecannot de- light in God. to6. Three reafens why he cannot delight in Gad. z 06, 107. A hypocritecannot perfevere ( in prayer ; two things make hamgive it over. 113014 I If's and thoughs with a difference to the godly and the wicked. z42 Iniquity takes hold of us three wayes. 175 Innocency of the faithful d not alwayes cleared up by God. 21. To betray or give-asp our own innocency is very finful. 37 Inftruaionand good counted likeraine, (Implied