TI U TABLE. fhewedin fevered things. 601,6o2. It fhould be as welcome to our fouls as the latter rain to theearth. 6o4 The rainofintlru&ion neverfalls to vain. 605 Integrity, what it is. 5 3. It is ofgreat price. 5 3. A godly man prizeth bis integrity highly. 5g, We fhauld do nothing to prefsedtce tt. 5s John Bapeiti,why called avoyce. 329 Iron, the plenty ofit. 21 3. Jr is the bell and worff metal. 213 Judgings, we muff judgofmen accord- ing to what they are and do, 48 Judgment taken twowayes. i 8. God barb variety of Judgments. 1 so. Judgments of god are irrefaflible. 184. Judgments of God come with violence upon the wicked. 86. No- thing can fecure ¡inners againit them. 187. The wicked would fain flee from them. 19 ; Judgments of God Ihould cattle us to fear him. 379 Man the ,4poftate, his mi ferable end. 2®1 Juflice, theMagiftrates belt robe. 53 1 Juffice must be done fpeedily and im- partially. 531 Juflife, bowman may befaid to juflifie man, and when it is finful fo to do. }7i 48. We mull not juílifie a good man when he doth evil. 49 K Knot, man is defroses to know what is bidden, and carelefs to knowwhat is revealed. 295 Knowledge ; what we know of the mind of God,wefhould makeknowne. 12 5 Threeforts of men fayle in ma- king known the things of God. 126 We are chargeable with finning a- garjt the knowledge we mighthave had, as well as what we have. 129 Some curious after the' knowledge of fecrets, negleEl what is plaire. 269 gad bathgiven theknowledge of all things neceffary. 270. Two great poynts of knowledge plainly revea- led. 27i. God bath purpofely hid force things from theknowledg of all living. 2 94. There are two great vanities on men concerning know- ledge. 295. Knowledge mares mays proud. Kings, among all the Kings of Ifraelnot one good. 5 5 3. Kinglypower agreat temptation. 553 L Labours ; it is afore judgment not to enjoy the fruits ofour labours. i 6o. Thofe things which haveonly a natu- ralexcelleney in them, cannot begot without much labour. 222 tan is willing to bellow any labour for earthly things. 222, 223. Hard la- bour getsall. 249 Lacedemcnian4, their ¡trill difcipline towards youth. 485 Lamentation ; to dye unlamented is a lamentable death. Y 54 ¡"hey deferve to be moll lamented who need itleaft, is Laughter, threefold in Scripture. 607 Mmmm s Laugh-