THE TABLE. 4 i Laughter, what lawful , what fin- fol. 615. Holy laughter arifetb three ways. 6i 6 Laughing ; thole men moll miferable at whom God laughs. 201 Laoves, goodLavves withoutgoodedges cannot make a people happy. 53 2 Life isofGod. 29. And depends whol- ly upon him. 30. Our life is but breath in oar nofirils. 3r. Life of man bath a threefold meafure in Scripture. 421. Long life a great bleffing. 56S Light of God, what. God the Fountains of light. 439. Light of God e- nough to lead or through all dark - nefs. 441. Two things to be avoy- dcd, that we may walk in the light of God. 443 Lightning, what it is. 329, 33o. Why the Lightning isfeen before the thun- der is heard. 330 Living, landof the living, what meant by it. 211,262 Looking; how attributed to god. 3o3 Love ofthofe who are holy argues bon- nets.. 69 Love the weight ofthe joule. 313 Loaditone gives out its vertue by Iron. 476 526 Lyes, officious lyes dangerous. M Magif'crates ought to be mach in the fear of God. 36r. Magistracy loath been,-held up and fubmitted to in all ages. 472. Light of Nature fhewes it in three things. 473. Light of Scripture for it. 474, Objeîtions anfwered. 475. Magiaracy con f fte in two things. 477. The ufeful- ne/fe of Magtftracy !hewed in leven things. 478. There it a Majeffy in Magistrates. 483. 'Iis the dat- t ' of all to honour Magiftrates; three things oblige to it. 487. good Magiarates are willingly bo noured by good people. 488, 504. It is a great bappineffe to Magi- times, when they have the heart and good will of the people. 507. It is the peoples duty to pray for their Magiaraces, and to gave a good teflimony to them thataregood. 5o8. Magiftratesfhonld chiefly take careofthepoor fatberlefs and helplefr. 5i6. Theywill not relieve any by wrong to others. 526. Rtghteoufnefr is their beflcloathing, (hewed in three things. 528. Magittatesinallage: have bad their fpecial robes and embleams of honour. 530. They fhould appear much for the poore. 537. Their care (hould extend to all. 5 3 8. They fhould carry the a f feWtion of a father to their faithful fubjetts. 542. They mart fearcb out every cattle which they know not before they give !entente about it. 544 They muff informe them- felves of what is amifc , though it be not complained of. 5+7. They muff' do right to unknown perlons. 548. They muff punifh as well as relieve. vie. They mull be impar- tial in puntfhing. 5 5 r . It is much of God, when their authority re- matnes