THE TABLE. maines fre(h and renewer daily in their hand. 578. Reverence due to Magiarates. 619. They fhould be able to choofe out the way of the people. 620. They (hould have rea- dy obedience. 626. Theyfhould com- fort their people. 627 Meafuring, what things are properly meaäured. 321 Meditation, why afcribed to the tongue and mouth. 35 Mercies ufually more prized when re- moved, than when enjoyed. 425 Mercy ; The wicked fhall have fudge- went without mercy. 191 Mercy fhould cauje us to fears God. 380 Mi6tam, the title of feveral Pfalmes, what it fignifieth. 274 Minerals and Mettais, the wifdome of man in finding them out. 205. The art of finding and ,fining Me- tals bath been very ancient. 214. The skill by which man finds and fines them, is thegift of God. 215 Thole four Metals, Gold, Silver, Iron, and Prate, (hallow both the civil changes in the world , and fpiritual in theChurch. 226, 227 Minerva ; the infcription of her Templé. 291 Mirth, horefl mirthallowed in the Go- lPe!. 614 Mofes, his body or burring place, why biddenby the Lord. 294 Moth, how wicked men are like amoth inbuilding their hassle. 263 MountaineS; to remove thorn, what it notec. 244 Mourning proper for he 'dead. i 5 3 To haves none mourn when we die, a fagne ofan ill life. . 154- Mouth, openingthe mouth, what it im- ports. S Murmuring at the workes of God, he finfulnefs of it. 3 5 2 N Nakednefs ; That we arenaked when we want protection. 9 z Nature, Tomé things in it beyond ahans reafon. 269. God bath made fame things in nature more excellent than others. 2;83 Negative dutyes and commandements include the affirmative. 397)398' Night, trouble coming upon us in the night is more grievous. 178. r threefold aggravation of it. 179 Of allnights,day -night is the worf'. 180. t7hen men turne day into night morally, god will do it Judi- , cially. 18 r O ()aches ; Chi Eloah, The Great Oath. t o. Oatbes are lawful. io, a a. There is much of divine worfhip in oathes, fhewed in fix particu- lars. i t, i2. Oathes are to be u fed only in weighty matters. 12,. 13. God only _ as to be fworne by. a Foure things render an oath final: a 5. A twofoldfearing of an oath. 382 Occa-