Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

THE TA$LE. Occafions o ffinmull be avoyded, 395 Onyx &ore defcribed. 275 Oppreflorsare mighty, but God is Al- mighty. 13 3, r , 5. They will not fattsfe thole whom they bave wrong'd till forced. 551 Orders of men feveral by Gods ap- poyntment. 49; Ornament ; God bath given us crea- tures not only for necefty, but for ornament and delight. 284 P Palm -tree lives long. 567 Parables , fpeeches full of wifdome, fo called fr three reafens. 6. Parables are fimilyes, 6, 7. A Parable taken four wayes in Scripture. 7, 8 Pearls defcribed, 277 Perfe&icn of things ir the ufeofthem, 2 29.Every creature herb aperfe&i- on in it, which man may attain to, 230. Perfe&ion of natural things not tobe found without pains. 231 Perifhing taken three wayes. 519. a bleffed work to help thofe who are ready to perifh. 521. 7hey whohave been delivered fromperithing, fhould biefs their deliverer. 513 Peffilence or Plague called deathems- nently, 1so. It is avery fore judg- ment. a 5 it Phaznix, Apprebenfì.ns of the ancients about her long life. 167 Pity, to have none to pity us in mi fery isa great aggravation ofit. 200 Plenty, The greatefl ,plea' y ofoutward good things is fometimes the portion s ofgoô2 mene 46S Poore, dangerous' to put themoffwith I know you not, p2. Poor mutt net be helped by injafìceto the ric . 526. Poor full of wants and de- fires. Portion, god bath a portion in f are f r allforts ofmen, 134 Ptaycr, the hearing of4, what,89 The worfl ofmen will callonGod in times of trouble, 93. They will prayhard in.trouble, 94, wicked menhave no delightin prayer, 95. Agodly man prayethwhen out of trouble, as well as when it. 96. tYhofe and what prayer God bath promifed to hear, ,(hewed in four particulars. 97, y$. Not to bave prayer heard in trouble, is woofe than all troubles. I01. Vn lefJ'e we pray alwayes, we are never; heard. no. It is our duty topray alwayes. ill. Eight realms wby we muff pray alwayes. a 11, 112. Though a godly mangets noanfwer, yet he continueth inprayer.I13i3 a ç In all that we ask in prayer,wemoor aime at the doing of the will of God.'' 35; Preparation for all things made by God from everlafling,how to beunderffood. 346 Prefervstion; feveral confderations and diginions about the works of God in preferving us. 428) 429'. Mans who/e prefervation is of God. 430. The way and manner of our fpiritual prefervaricn. 430, 431. Spi itual pref rva ion afpectal viledge by Chrifl. 43 r. They are fafe