Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

THE TABLE. fate whom God preferves. 432 Precious things mingledwith thevile. 242. Wife mans eye diftinguifheth them. 246 Prefumptuous fanner, 388 Promifes ; a wicked man bath not one ofthem tofriend. 91,92 Prophecy fignified by the handofGod,, I21 Providence ofGod, bath many fecrets. 123, 124, 217. It extends to the leafi things. 306. Providence of god what it doth in theworld. 308. Two inferences from it. 309. he leaft as alfo the molt boyfierons things are under the hand ofProvidence. 334 Providence of Godover man is per- feet and diftinEl. 33 5, 336 Purpofes, thegoodpurpofes ofgood men are for ever. 36. The purpoCeeofa godly man againft doing avid are pe- remptory. 5 I Price of any thing rifeth four wages. 266 Profperity, A godly man will own God as tbeAuthor of it. 438 Proud men, farrefromGod. 263 Prefence ofthe Lord,or the Lords being with as how taken in Scripture. 453, 454, Prefence ofthe Lord twofold. 455 Thefpecial ways ofGods pre- fenceor beingwith his people. 4 S 6, 457. That region anfweredinfix particulars, why feing God isprefens with his people, they fifer fo much 458, 459 Promifes about temporal good things area groundof hopefor them, 562 How fach Promifesare to be taken. 653 R Rain, natural rain is under a divine Law or Decree in a fourfold refpea. 326. Mach more in fpiritual raine. 328. Latter Rain why fomuch de- fired. boo. Good corenfel and infirm- Won are to the mind of man, as rime to the earth in two refpeIIs: 6o o Rare ; chafe things are mofi valuedby menwhich are moli rate. 223 Rejoycing at the calamity of the wick- ed, how iris lawful. 197, 19S Retaliation ; God deals with men as they haysdone,ordone toathers,19 r, 202 Riches make men reflleffe, yetforeget refs in riches. 79. Riches avayl not in the approachesofdeath. 84. The works of a worldly man is to gather riches. 156. We are very willing to labour after them. 223. 7 o venture through all dangers for them. 233 The extreame defire that is in man after riches. 24.3, Four grounds of mans infatiable delires after riches. 250, 251. Alamentation to feemen fo laborious for worldly riches, and fs flight about heavenly. 252 RighteoufneCs twofold. 56. What teat righteoufnefs is which we fhossldh>Id fa/I. 56, 57 e4 godlyman main- tains bid righteoufnefsfirongly, 6o.' Several forts of righteouners ex- plained. 526. To be cloathedwith. rrghteoufnes orjuftice,implyeth three things. 528. How righreoufnefs is diftingui flied from judgment. 529 Roo