Roote ofa thing pture. Ruby dofcribed. Rulers, their açions THE TABLE. wh,t it notes in Seri- 57' 278 very exemplary. 497 Shekel, why fo called, 312 sight o.. knowledge ofGod, fòurealer- taons about it. 308 Sight of C`jod, five properties of it. 34f ìlence fometimes a duty, 49 2. A two- fold filence. 587. Silence commin- S ` dableuponfever; grounds. 588. Such filence f ands ina faxfold oppoftionq 589 Skill of man in all forts oflawful arts is tbegift ofGod. 255 Sin ; a godly man is utterly refolt+ed a- gatnff it. 5 1,.- 53. Sin bereaves as of our fafety, 92. How we are to depart from the evil offin, (hewed in five particulars. 393, 3 94: Depar - tars from the evil of tin, what it ¿o, 396. The greátnsfs ofthe evil offin demon(' ratedmany wayes. ;399. Sin is thegreatefl puni/hment.4o3.W'hat fin doth both to God and oarfelves. 405. vrhy, though fin befo evil,, we arefo hardly diffwadedfrom it. 403 When we may be faid to have depar- ted from the evilof fin. 408. That to depart from tin is our underfiand- eng. 409. Several demon/rations of it. 41o. Three plea's offin why we (hbuld not leave it. 41o,4 t t Sincere, they who arefitdelight in God in war Ft times. I03 Sincerity will hold coat in holding the truth. 4 Silver loath its vein. 208. It bath as it were roots and branches. 208 .Silver is expreffed in the Hebrew by a word which lìgni ieth detire,and why.209 . Lve Mould moderate our defires afr -r re aid tabe there, 232 GIver. 210. Silver bath ade ma -e con- Saints, differenceamong them. 284 Sand ; to multiply as the fsnd notes the greatefl multiplication. . , X68 Saphire Bone, the excellency of it de- fcribed. 240) 241 Sstisaeiion theheft thing, 392. Satif-, faClion, not to have fomuch as fatif- fyeth, is as bad at to have nothing. 145. Tohave much and not to be fa- tisiyed, is worfe than to havefo little that it cannot fatisfie. 146 Stying, often notes replying in Scrip- ture. 5 5 6 Search made upon three grounds. 349 Secrets ; God bath force referved to him - felf alone. 257, 264. Three forts of divine ferrets. 266. Men very defirous to know fecret things. 296, 297. Three reafons whyGod is ',lea- fed to keep-Many things fecret from man. 298, 299. Two forts of 9,ds fecrers. 449 Saints are acquainted with'the fec:nts of God. 449. Secret bleffîng and fecret curfe. 450 Tofee, more than bare leolling. 245 Seing,applyid to theunderflanding. 5 27 Security'; carnal men are alwayes fur- prized by the judgments of God , though warned ofthem. 18o Shadow ofdeath, why precious things of