T H-wF,T.A L`E. con, reps then iron, 2 a 0 Sá1vc.t is bright, but it drawer black lines upon the body, and blacker, upon the mind. 226 Sirn ilicit), twofold.'' 410 Sloath, meine floath`infeeling out jpirt- tuai things taxed. 22 3 Socinians,in what fence they fsy Chi ill is t he of God . 3.57 Sovereign or chesf ldtorgiiirates are cheifly concerned to fee julllce done. 53 2 Scut, how veted 5. They are unte- nable who loofe ther, rvhat- ever they get in or o..this,world. 85 The feu lis at Gods call. 86 Sparingconfidered two wayes as to an efjliflion, a;®. Not to be feared is worfe then to befmttten. 191 Speech, vige: Tongue ; . wickeduefs of Speech. 3'3, 34 Sphinx, why placed before the :4Egyptian Temples. 291 Spi:it ofGod only makes the word [pa- ken effcblual. 121 Spiritual things are not difcernable by a natural man. 217. A fourefoldac- count why they are fo. 218, 2 1 9. Spiritual things not well underflaod by us, but ascompared to andfhadow- ed by the bell tempirai things. 281 S rord,what it natos to Scripture. a 39 Three fpecialforts of the fword.i4o T Teaching, to teach the ignorant is a great duty i 17. Alfifians fit eu to teach others, 118. iPe need the help of Goe4 to:eac»aihorí, os a Tqa'¡s Apt by great forrowf. 15' Terror.t k'cn,two wayes.. a74 No ä:at- ma°d comfort can tear up he bea rt (error. ? î7 1 heoo:ick,bis zealfor [eo lïcr. S47 Thuodcfus his pity to poor prifoners. 520 ThotThNc,, evil dhought3-very /inful when kept ¡Pi, yet so je ';ta !et therso SUL 'i'hurde , what it ù, 329,3 3o. rhun- c ligbt.i,g callus to acknore- -ledgethe power of God. 331, Natu- ral/ and fpiritaal et ds of thunder. 3 3 r, 3 3 i. Tni;ndn r Goth not fly at random, bat by Gods dirilEion. 332 great Thunder at thepubl:catin of the Law,mild Thunder at the decla- ration of Chrift in the Gofpel. 333 The great things whichGod will do, e.vpreffed by t 0:nder. 3 33 Tiberiu$, bis judgement of the Romans Empire. 5 53 Tongue, two evils of it, 3 2. Alediratt- on, how afcribed to the tongue in Scripture. 34. 4great care is to be bad of the tongue, that we offend not in word. 38. Tongue cleaving to the roofofthe mouth, what it imply.- eth. 498 Topoz, a precious 'Ione defcribed. 278 Truth of God confirmed by the fall of wicked men. 1 T un h cannot be prevailed upon. 2. fincereheart will maintain it to the cnd:4. A twofold ground of this. g. Truth bath a commanding power in it,8, A good man mull not to /pared N n n n m h'