THE TABLE. while be oppofetb truth 75. It ie a vain thing to oppofe truth. - 131. Truth twofold, in which we are to call upon God. 98 V- Venity,todepend upon that which is not, or to oppofe that which is. 13o Veinfor Silver,wbat. 208 Verrues, eminent verrues draw reve- rence. 483. Vow ; Though we may not vow never to fan,,yet we may vow not to commit this er thatfin wilfully or knowingly. 36 Upr ightnefs ; a man may do thatiin uprtghrnefs which is not right. Upright men beard inprayer. 73 98 Ware rsare in the hand of God. 3 21 Ttreethings wonderful in the wa- ters. 324 Waiting note, a threefold all of the mind. 58 Weighing,anall of the runderfianding. 319 Weight ofany tbing,wbat it is. 313 Wicked, to be wicked, is to be in the Tearfi c,ndition imaginable. 71. Two t:hingr Mew the mrfer y o ftbe wicked 72. roe blafpbemy to think that God bath approving thoughts of the wicked. 72. Wicked may efcape a reckoning with men, but not with God. 136. A wicked mans labours are often inheritedby the righteous. r6o,i6r. Wicked men care not whom they wrong, fe they may get.. 163. The fallof wicked imen k the relayingof all men, 197, When the wicked fall they are every way mi. ferable. 200. God rejoyceth at their ruine. 20I. Wicked men hoar called wickednefs,andfinners fin. 400 VViddow,.herfiate a ferrowful fiats. 525 VVinds,arIlion like them,1 8 3.Wind defcribed, how God irs fayd to make it weight for it. 3 r 2. How the winds are.divided. 313.. what is the caufe of the winds. 313. The motion of the wind is difpofed of by God. 314. Why the winds are faid to have wings. 314. Three ids of Godcon- cerning the winds. 314. 315. The exaïtnefs ofGods care in ordering the winds, fhewed in three particular:. 316,317. VVifdom threefold. 107. VVifdom ofGod cannot befound out to perfetti- en. 204. Thegreatefi fecreti'in na- ture nothing to it. 2o6. Greatefi natural parts cannot reach it. 217. Wifdome feen of God from eterni- tie. 338, 3 3 9 The Son of God is the eternal wifdome of God. 354. VVifdomof God, what, 2.59. How wifdome and senderfianding may be difiinguifbed. 25.9. Wifdome not to be found among fenfual men, who are given to pleafure. 263. Wifdome better then all worldly things. 285 Three Corolaryes from it. 288.Wtf- dome, bow bidden, and from whom, 290. Place ofwifdom,wbatit 16.304.. VVirchcs o