THE;TABLE. Witches power over the winder only perrni f ve and limited. 318,319. Witnefs, we ought to give witnefs to thole who aregood. 508. Words, how we are juflified by them. 41. Word of God ss vifìble in bio workes. 127, I28. World, a little of the world will not firve a worldly mans turn. 157 Worldly things, fee riches. Worldly men, their cares may have laccefs 158. Their fuccefs /hall not reach their ends. 159. They highly efleem worldly things. 279. How we may dcfire the 'Viewing ofworldly things. 422 orldly things tire(ome and trouble fome,nor only in their getting, bat en- joying. VATotks of God declare his wifdom 343 VVorthip ; what natural worfhip ú. 105, 253. Why the worfhip of God io exprefedby fear.! 373 VVratb failing upon the wicked in time Ù from eternity. 136 vVrong, what we get by wrongingo- thers, weget inoar own wrong. 164 Year, bow exprefrl in the Hebrew. 593 Youth, bow lubjell to reproach. 446. Youth taken two ways. 447Youth a fadingflats. 447. ro be holy in youth to agreat commendationof ho- linefs. 448. Modeflya fpecial ver- tue in youngmen. 485 Nnnn 2 A TABLE