G Vot /3.4 fr. . * c 0 .t4 0*40 o 00 4400,14444400441$40,14604,0000444'440,1014;044§0444)* A TABLE OF Thofe Scriptures which areoccafionally cleared, and briefly illuírrated in the fore-gong EXPOSITIONS. The flat Number direds to theChapter, the feçond to the Verfe, the third to Rige of the Book. Chap. Verf. Pige.' Chap., Verf. Pige. Chap. 18. II,I2. 615,14. Gcne/i.r, 18. 25. 5 3 2, 42. 14 2 ® I. 7 320 a. 31. 339 35 7. 28g.1. 2. 11,12. 214 42. 3. 15 '` 397 42 4 7. 47ó 45 4. 22. 214 49. 4..;;, Id. '' 514 99 4. rtf.LF I12,3r5. 4 13. 3'S` V7. 17, 615 10.. o. V. 384 15. 22. 12. 37S 18. 5. 174 20. 0 49 156 23. . 15. 14 32, 18. 384 33 540 Verf. 15. Page. 90 21.. 327 i r. 377 2I. 624 18, 19. 371 3. 5z6 25. 92 19. 577 10. 79 L viticsre. If.- 4¢4 Expd`rìs., S. 96. 17. 96 13. 18 26. 26. 146. Numbers. 59 16