Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v8

Chip. 27. An Expofrtion upon the Belle of J o s. 77' Verf.8. secondly, -Obfervc ; Death puts an hypocrite quite of from all his hope ; when God taketh away hisfoul, bis hopeis alto taken awafr. When he dyes, then all his hopes dye ; as when the Princesof the world dye,their thoughts perifh, £o when they who are meer woridlings peri(h, their hopes peri(h too. How can anhypocrite hope for good indeath, when hishope never enteted, nor ancho- red within the vail, for life ? his hope is not fattened upon the word of eternal life, and therefore his hope cannot bea ftay tohis foul when hedeparts this life. The hope that holds out is entred into that within the vail ( Heb. 6. ¡9. ) that is, itclofeth with God himfeif in Jefus Chrift, it bath tweet Communion with God by Jefus Chrift our highPrieft, who as our forerunner is for us entred into heaven. A beleever is fubjeét to be totted with troubles of mind and manifold temptations, as a Ship upon the Sea, whilehe is in this world ; yet that hope which is entred within the vaile, flayes him as an anchor lureand fledfaft in all ftórmes, and in all times. But the Anchor of the hypocrites hope enters not within the vail, but is cart upon falte and lodeground, and therefore when the florme conies his anchor drives, and is un(1edfaft, and fo his hope and heart fail together. The floutett hypocrite in the world will droop at left, when God comes to take away his foul ; thenhis creft falls, and his Plumes flagge. When therain defcendeth, and thefloods come, and the winds blow, and beat upon the houfe that is built upon thefand, it falls, and the failtbereof isgreat (Math. 7. 27.) A falfeheart cannot hold out in real hardfhips ; when rain and floods and winds (by which are meant all the troubles of this life) ¡fault him, he runs to ruine, and cannot (land his ground : much lefle will he be able to hand in the hour of death, when the raine and floods and winds of temptations fall molt furioufly upon the foul. Thus Solorseon con- cludes ( Pray. r r. 7.) When awicked man dyetb , hos er.peEiation /hall peril's, and the hopeof unjuft menperifhetb. Pofiibly that may be everlafting which theyhope for,yet their hopes are nor lofting; the hopesof force perith, becaufe they hope only for perifhing things ; others havehopes of unperithing things, whole hope pa' {hall peri(h: The voluptuous rich man is laid to bave had his good things (Luke i6. r3 .) he had nomore to hope for, no more to look