A K EXPOSITION W I T H Praaicall Observations CONTINUED UPON The Thirtieth and Thirty firm Chapters of the Booke of JOB: BEING TheSubfhance of Thirty-feven Lec`t'ures, deliveredat A1agnus neare the Bridge, LONDON. By JOSEPH CAR Y y, P aBouY of the Congregation there. Rev: 22. II. He that is righteous , let him be righteou f ill : andhe that is holy, let hint be holy LONDON; Printed by M. Simmons for Elifba Wallis at hisfhop at the ligne of the ,oldems Hor/e/ oft in the Old 7390. t F 5 9.
t3 tEl° ',kilo_N+1¡.6i3''9ña2ubd+{etdsfic is3'é4firfufivC`!`v Rti+! fiiw`D ' ! T O T H E CHRISTIAN READER. T O Thofe efpecially of this CITI B, who yet continue helpful' to this WORK E. o tl O 0 0 30o0 Have ended my worke upon Jobs words , fo his difceurfe in the two Chapters now expounded o and publifled concludes, The words ofJob are a e o o + e o ended. But Ihave fill N a great way , a Fourth at at leaf, ofthe whole way to travel, before I can arrive at the endof this boo4e,my intend- ed journey (which, whether IHeal! have time or f rength to reach, is alone in his breal who is A. 2 OPP1'
I To the Chriíflan Reader. ourflrength, andinwhofe handout times,with all the changes of them unchangeablyare) yet 'tis matter offamefatisfaCiton to myfel fe , and r.y, I hope, befo to others, that 14111 come to this Signal end, though not to the Totali endof any works, or that Iam come to the endof that part whichJob acicd, thoughnot to the end of all theparts aó/ed inthis Boole. What's done inninefeverall pieces uponone and thirty Chapters, makes up a compleate piece or afullNarrative(the text isfo) ofthatgreat and folernne tranfaRion between Job and his three Friends, Eliphaz, Bildad andZophar : The two former having chargedhim thrice,and the thirdtwice,andJob having asoften anfwe- redeachofthemfeverally,and allofthemjoynt- ly in a long defenfative, containing five Chap- ters through-out, they allfate dowse inpence. Jobs threefriendsfpa%emot a wordmore,though fomewbat more be fpolZen ofthem. And though Job fpal{e once or twice more, yet not oneword more inway ofoppoftionagainfi hisfriends, no norfo much as ofApology for himfelfe; what hefpakemore was only inway of humble fub- million toGod, ando ffel fe-abhorrence. Ihave much caufe to acknowledge the great goodiesofGod; as alfo his very gracious af- fiance
To the Chriflian Reader. flä e andpatience, in holding that awake and f n fkll hand, which bath held the pen thus long. And as I ought to give no other reafon (in chiefe) why Ihave done it, but to pleafe Him; fo I cangive no other account how I have clone it, but his good pleafure, becaufe it feeíned good inhis fight as to put thepen into my hand, fo to keepe both heart and hand upon it unto This Day. I may wel give it with an Emphafis unto This Day ; feing the day inwhich Iam come to this Endofmy wor4e, is fo very like the day wherein I began it , full of motion, fomewhat darke antiflormy. Indeed ( as notice was taken in thepr,efato-- ry Epiffle to thefill part oftbefe Expofitioni ) theflare ofjob in themfet forth,beares (though witch of death be in the inmage) the lively I- mage and reprefentation of thefe times He, as the Holy Scripture reports, bad a troublefofsre time of it, and I would there were not too much Evidence that our times have been, and ina degree are fo to this clay. And how fhonld I. (with all that feare God and love the Appear- ing of Chrift ref us our Lord) rejoyce tofee, at lafl,as happy a change in theface:ofthefe times,, as the latterpart of this facred Hiflory affures: HI jobfound in his. My,
To the Chri fbias Reader. My hearts elefire and prayer for England, with the uniteel Dominions is, that it may befo; That after all our breali,ings an'e may be bound up, that after all our dividings we may be u- nited, that after all our 'baking! we maybe f tit- led uponfame roundations:and that thofe three fayre Daughters ( for whofe full birth and growth among 11,S thefoules ofmany thoufands have been in travel with groanes and prayers and tearer thefemany yeares, that I fay thofe three fayre Daughters, fayrer then the three Daughters ofholy job who were thefayreft in all the land ) Jemirna The light of truth more cleare then the day ; Kezia , The perfume of Godlynes and righteoufnes, more pleafant then Caffìa ; together with Peace and plenty morebeautifitll thenKeren-happuch,the Horne of beauty may be the I ripe-hi:ùe of thrfe three Nations, after all the dolorous throes andpangs whichhitherto they haveendured; or which is the fumme and crowneofall , That Jefus Chrifi Thçman -child long-finceborneaniraculoufly in- to the world, may now be .brought forth in our world Ç?lorioufly , in all adminifirations both Spiritual! and Civili, every knee bowing to him, every heart triumphing in hint, every tongue f eaking , everyhand working fór hin: iii
To the Chriftian Reader. in the advancement of his name both here at home and abroad to the aids of the earth ; This (' Ifay again) is the prayer and hearts defire of The 25th of the 3d tmoneth r65g. HONORED FRIENDS, Your Servant in this worke of the Lord JOSEPH CARYLA,. -tlarIstotcittsataitZst,larvaotilloW.&t: &1,Z-14,5a:rsLe.,3:,sot,a:
st IxItto&At tullla* imenSta eta>ti,>>tot m t : WI' rk A N EXPOSITION WITH Pracìicall Obfervations UPON TheThirtith, Thirty-fira Chap- ters of the Booke of T 4 B. J O B, Chap. 30. Verf. i. .hut no they : that are younger then I, have ere rnderifion, Whofe Fatkerr I would have difelained to havefit with the Dogs ofmy flocke N the former Chapter, we have heard 74 dif- courfingof, and difcovering his former telicity, a felicity of the highcft pitch and $rff magnitude, as to the having and enjoyment ofa numerous progenie with riches, honour, and peace. A felicity,as he fuppofed,not higher built their well bottom'd and fure,(o Pure that he conclnded,l /dial,' dye in my nei, andmultiply my dayet as thefand. In thisCha peer we fee, howmuch hewas miflaken, and had over- reckoed himfelfe, in that poynr, or perfwafion. He that B runs
2 Chap.3o. An Expofriea upsn the Book of Jo s. VerLI, runs may read, and he that reads cannot but cry out with wonder Mac, Alas, how unlike is 74 (in temporalls) to what be once was ? O how is the cafe now altered with him 1 He that law him b. fore and fees him now, will fcarce beleeve his own eyes,. that he fees the man now whom he faw before. enprf stars And (no doubt ) 7 b lets there oppofi to flares one over s. ag, gairft the other ; that he right the more illuftrate, or aggravate c /sc,(ort, the one by the other, and giveus a proipeâ ofhis old and new, ofhis fi,.urifhing and withering co- ndition in oneview. Here are reprefented as in the fame landskip, a plea(ant paradife and a de- folate wilderneffe, a goodly building anda ruinous heape. Nor indeed can there be two Chapters of a more different title and. tenour, then there ; inwhich we may read and confider filch a variety or contrariety rather ofaffaires and iffues in the fame per. fon, as'can hardly be paralei'd in any hiftory facred, or prophane.. I.n this Chapxr,the lorrowlull man gives us a defcriptionofhis poore defolate ruin'd condition in as rich and rhetorical! a ftrain, as he didbefore of his paradifcall or profperous one ; Sorrow is as eloquent as joy can be. Nor didever any draw the pittureof a riling or railed man to the be$ of an earthly happineffe, wits a happier pliancy then others have done a falling or a fallen man to the worfi ofan earthly unbappintf e: Nor could ever any doe either the one or the other, fowell for others, as 7e.b ( by tI e bccc thin: gs ofthe Spirit with his pen ), bath done both for him. lei l:. His fallen ftaté is expreffed in this Chapter four wayes. F rit, He makes report of that extreame contempt which was . powred upon him.even by men of'contempt. In his profperous. ef';ate all sorts of men even the belt ofinen relpe&ed and reveren- ced him, many admired andonly not adored. him, both young and old beheld him, as jibe had been a man dropt out of the clouds, or ofadiv-ineexcracßion But in his calamitous effete all clef piles! and fleighted him,as if hadcrept out of a dunghill,or had derived his pedigree from the very dreggs of bìfeneffe, he begins this lad relation at the firft verle of this. Chapter, and porkies it totheendofthe tenth, Secondly, He alignsa reafon,or gives an accountabout the fpringe of this contempt that was powred upon him, which he pro1cutes from the iith to the r8ch verle; Becaufe he bath. !Pala m) coard.andaft7edme; they how al/elet loft the bridle, before,
Chap.30. 4e (x9seion :ION the look of ,J a. Veal. e before me ; as ifhe had faid ; Ifyou inquire of me, how it Comes to pate, that I who roar honoror'dby a8,and above the m./ ef,men, am now troden upon ex the areaneft wor"me,yeaas the mire in thefirms, I waft confefe'tis the hand of Çed upon me. 1 doe not much /yoke upon, much logef/ay in thele paare creatures that dafpife me, but know andacknowledge, that'tisGod which bath tooled my coard and afiiledme, 'Tie be that hark broken the band ofthat authority by »kick all were heldhe fulojeElion to me. 'Tie ç,dwho kath untied the knotof duty, which oncefirmlyfaft- ned reverence and re/petl to my person; and mono Iam defpijedand become the very / corne of men, and a reproach among the people. Thirdly , He lets forth, as the contempt of his person, fu the fickneffe and difeafes ofhis body, together with their fad Sym- ptomes and efTe&s, towards the making ofhim yet more corn. pleately miserable. This he Both at the 18th and e9th verles; 11y the Great force ofmy di/ea/e, is my Garment changed, it bindeth me about as the culler ofmy coat, hekath calf me into the noire ; Arad I am become liE e duet and allies. Fourthly,He urgeth his prefent misery by (which is worse then all this)the hidings of Gods face and favour from him, as allo by the fiopa and denyals which the Lord put upon his prayers and groans, at the 20th verfe,lcry unto thee and thou d,It n,t hear me,Istandupand thou regardetell me not. When lob was brought to this pafs,that man did not regard him at all,and,(as to fence ) God regarded himas little ; What could be added,in this life, to make him either more unhappy, or more fe; fi le of his unhappy. neffe ? Therefore after feverall reinforcemencs of his forrow, by other additional) argiements and confidera;ions,heconcludes this doleful) Rory in a proverbial) lamentation (v. 28. 29, 30 3 1, ) I went mournirf without the Sun, .Istoodup and I cried i the c:n- gregation. I am a brother to `Dragons, and a companion to Owl s. My skin is blackupon me, andmy bones are burnt with heat. My harpe al o is turned towrurning,and my organ into theveyce -.f th m that aoeepr. Againe we may analife the whole Chapter thus; F;rfl, !hews his prefent c,ifery, by the injurious and re- proachfuli fpeeches and revilings, which he received from the wort of men in the firft ten verses. B 2, Secor.dly,
4 Chap. 30. An Expefttioa upon the Book, of J 0 B. Vert t. Secondly,He thews it,by their injurious siftingsand affr:tít; pep uponhim,to the 16th verfeiVpox toy rightbarn rife theOath they puff awaymy feete, Stc. Thirdly , By the extreame griefe and paine which he fuffered, thrruzh the lores and fckneffes which afü;fted his body, from the 1641 to the t 9th verge,. Fourthly, by the fevereand enemy-like carriage of God to,- wards him, f;om the 2 etti to the zç.th verge. Fifthly, By that little companion and left. reliefe which he found from others in his afiietion, though himfelfe had been full ofcompaßion to the af;ded, v. aç, 26, 27. all which he (huts. up with a fad complaint from the z8th verge to the end of the Chapters, Verf. I. Bat now they that areyounger then I, have me in de- riftan. In there words we have two thingscon(idèrable. Firit, The contempt rift upon rob. Secondly , The perfons,' whócontemned him, 7 b aggravates the afi8iveneffe of this contempt, verymuch by the character and conditionofhis con- temners ; They were meane, yea. vile, and he defcribes their meareffe and vileneffe feverall wayes. Fire, By their youth ( n. r:.) They that, areyounger then 1, (men belowme in.yeares, yea veryboyesor Children) leave me- :aderifren. Secondly, He defcribes them, by the bafenef aof their pedigree, or parentage ; whorefathers I would have difdained to have fee with the dogs ofmyii-,eke. Thirdly,He defcribes them:further,by their ufelesnefs at the ad verse; Tea whereto might the flrengtbof their hands prefit we,they were fuch a generation ofmen, as were unferviceable and unpro- fitable,not worth the taking up in the flreetes for any honeft its- ployment. Fourthly, Hdifcribes them by their poverty and want ofall things, none are more necefficated then they wh,. (as he fpeakes at. 3, 4. ). cut up Mull,wes by the beelbes, and ?uniper rotes for their meute,they were furely men ofa lowcondition, who had no better fare, or could.make nobetter provifion for their Tables. Fifthly,.
Chap. 3rß. AN Expofttion open the Stake of J a. Verf. t. Fifthly, They were not only poore,but juttly defpüèd for meir ill qualitteG, and as bad behaviour,at the 5th verle, They were dri- venforthfrom ammg men ( thy cryed after them as- after a thiefe ); HoneRmen deferve efteeme with ail, and have it with fome men, though never 11 poore; but thefe like .theeves were caf er'd from the focietyof all honett men, yea oral! men who were not as bad as themfelves, and joyned hands with then in doing mif- chief. Sixthly , By their miferable habitation or place of abode. (vor. 6; and 7. ) T. died in the clefts cfthe valleys, is caves of the earth, and in the rocks.. mong the bu¡hes the) brayed, under the nettles they were gathered together. 'Tis like to prove a good broode, that was thus netted. We read indeed of many holy ernes (f whom as the Apofle faith ( Heb. t t. 38. ) the world wets not worthy) mho wandered in defrarts, and is moontaines, and in dens, and caves of the Earth ; But, Ttefe men were turn'd out and pnrfued, like men unworthy to live in the world, muchmore unworthy to be admitted it to any civili fociety. F aftly , 70b argues their vileneffe by the foolifht,effe of theit fathers, an evil' bird bath an evil) egge; Thus he fp;akes at the $drh verte, they were children offeeler ; which fotie underffand of the young men, others of their fathers, their fathers werewicked and fbsrke nought they were childrenof feoles, yea children of bale men, tbiy were viler then the earth; This was the be character which ?eb could give the men that defpifed him, they were bale and of a bate ea.ftradion, they were fprunge from an ill root, and themfelves were evil) branches, Though wecannot alwayes concludeof the branch (in a morali fence) by the route, yet molt branches are fruited in morals according to tF =ir route. As lobhath thus aggravated the fcorne and contempt put upon him, by t.e inconfiderab'eneffeof the perlonswhodid. contemne him. So fecondiy, HeBoth it by a particular innumeration ofthofe a&ions or wayes, by which they expreffed their contempt; they did not only canremne him in their hearts, as t.Michal deipifed .Dxvid dancing before the Arke, b: t they r:éted their contempt outwardly. And we have five particular ads of their contempt ìnftanced in ; Firlt They madehies their fong,,at the p ;k verle. Secondly;,
`Chap. 3U.. tfn Expcftion ápen the 'Book of J B. Verf. I. Secondly Theymade him their byword, at the latter end of the fame verte. Thirdly, They abhorred bins, at the loth verle . Fourthly They fledfrom him they fo abhorredhim that they avoyded him, as if he had been (asTurtuIhee theOrator Paid of Paul) the 'Plague, or as we trar,ll_ite, ail PeJilentfellow. Fif ;h'y They did :even/pint in hisface; then which nothing can be done more reproachfully. Thus you have, the refolution; firfl, of the whole Chapter; and, Secondly, A more dtflinet difcovery ofthe firfk r e+ verles, which hold forth,the contempt and difhonour which 7.b fuffered from men, while he was forely fuffering and fmarting under the hand ofGod, `fhe greatneffe ofwhich fuffering appeares ; fir fi, by the confideration of the perlons from whom he fuffered. Secondly, by the a&ions under which he fuffered. So much of theGeneral' fence of this context. I (hall in the next place open the words diftindly. Vert t . But now they that are younger then I, have me in dt rifion. Bat now, This nowpoynts at the forrowfull turn of his flare, as if he had faid ; It is not with me now, as it hack been ; he fpeakes in the le um ißuc griefe of a fad heart, commemorating what he had been, and vertutn etp: t- comparing it with what he was ; It is a great mifery, to have morn el, hobu. been happy; Nnneare fo lose, es they who now can onlyfay, they i(je et nihil ha. havebeen high,nonc fo poore as they,whonow can only fay,they nerr.. Rurf.AFt.5 . have been rich, none are focut and pincht with difgrace, as they in fc. 3. who havingbeen in honour are forced to fay,Now they have tree in derifioo ; fuch was lob/ cafe. Now they that areyounger then I, have me in deeifi n. The Hebrew is, They that are /mailer ofdares then I, that is,they that have not lived fo many dayes as I ; The word i endred young, fignifies [mall or little, twowayes. -rn exiguwe Firft , In degree whether ofquantity or quality, in the 14th gu.tnrate et Chapter of this booke at the at verfe, lob ( faith of a deceafed q "nt`ta'e ' op- fnther, Hie founts come to honour and he knoweth it not, and they e3 }rw 5 2 are brought low, (or nude little, it is this word) but heperceivetle tiucn.zz3.) o et
Chap. 3o tin Exp,fttiort upon the Boob, of j to' a. Vert. t. it not of them. Thus it imports a declined or defpicable condition good amp'rtt among men. As Gideon f.id (7ndg. 6. 15. ) Oh my-Lord, where- dinetn, at than with (ball Ifave 1%rael ? behold myfamily is pore (or as the Mir- [stern gin bath it, My Thou and N the meant in Mana ele and 1am tt,m de: tat; g y l ) . , aprRrlws fe,' the leaf in my fatbens tidufe. So (Mic. 5. z.) But thou Petiole- lasiur et a- hemEphrata, though rhos be little among the thoosfands of yudah, Àaeo'at+ red. yet, &C. d:r Roar. 9. Secondly , It notes finall in number,or a few, and fo the word bier. put alone, without the - addition ofOle word dales, oryeares, fig_ nifies one that is young, or younger then fouie others to whom the relation is made. When. Lot went eep cut of Z.,ar and dwelt ina C'eve, he and ki rvo daughters, the firft born (.aid ,srto the younger, Ourfather ie old, &C. ( 91 ,1, 19. 3o, 31.) And fo the word is uled againe in ?ofephsaddref e to his aged father,with his two Ions for a bletiing, ( Gen. 48. 14. ) And Ifrael f -retched out his right hand, and laid it Capon Ephraimes head, whoWAS the younger, or the Ief.r. In both these Scriptures, the word oldie Text is pet alone to fignitie the younger, without any exprcfie mention of time or dades. From there feverall renderings of the word; arife feverall read- Minim?. Sept; ings of the Text ; O=re faith, The haft.; another, The loweff luh- " r,u g i , i gfaiÎ Breves A.third, They,that are ¡dart -fme in dales ;. A fourth, They that pramediebas arefmall to me in ¿ayes, have me inderifion. It is cuRffioned by Aq'?'g. Parvi fome, whether lob by chafe that were, or whom he calls yzun;er átra tet+r ie,d then himfelfe, meant nothis oppofing friends, elpecially Zopbar D b a>r an and Bilda! who are conceived to have beenyounger then r- -b, ,,;;cos rift[ at and whom he had often charged with mocking him. But,furely, jun ores. Bod. tobhad better thoughts of his friends (though much offended; with them) then the words ofthis Text will beare ; Their fa- Certeqo& fe- there doubt lefs, were not fuch as lob wouldhave difdaìned to have q'":tntur rlon honorotú fitwith the d gs ofhis flocke ; They were n't men fortedby wan, nen compeutntr andfamine, To cut up Mallows by the baßses, and juniper rooter- Scut. for their meate ; Theydidnot fire into the wildernefe, muìi leye were they.driven from among men; They were no fioles, nor were they children offooles: ?ohs Friend: were wife and godly nln,, though quite out and mift.iken in their judgment about him :. they were men of credit and honour in their Country, and therefore thetiefcription ofehe men who derided lob will no way fit them.. So
$ Chap. 3o. An Expofftion open the Book! of Jo B. Veda, So then, by theyoeenger here fpoken of, we are tounderftan4 fonseothers that had todoe, or dealt with lob thusdefpightfully, as he fpake in his complaint ( Chap. 19. i8.) Yea,y eeng children desejíi/ed me ; I aro(e, and they fpake agaie fi me: So here, They that areyounger then I (though poflibly men in yeares Have me inderifion. The word wasrendred, lsugbed, at thea4.th verfe of the fors- mer chapter ; If I laughed on them, they beleeved rt not : There the reader may find, the feverall lign,fic:tions of it ; The Ge- neral) fence of that verfe and this, hand diretily oppofite; That (hewed 7.b a man of fetch honour among the people, that though he langhedor was merry with them, yet they maintained the fame refpeti to him; and would not laugh out with him, or in teen )oeanrur hisprefence. But this verle fhewes, that the vileft of men, did ax: ixaunr me- Qunt 1.tn not only take the boldneffe to be familiar or laugh with him, but curt, »a i,yNe irri had the impudence to laugh at him , as the word in this con- ex,tpixnr me ftru&ion frgnifies. He dott: not fay, they were merry withme, hoc jpiitÜ frg. but, They have made them/elves merry with me, theyd d not (port n'j7 t, `ivanae with me, but made me their fport. To be deridcd,ismote grie- ''Nm U con" vous then tobe reproached,forrow never gets fo clofe,nor ftrikes Amnia, rider¢ to dee e as when we fee and heare others rejajcing and jeering autem et jocari P , viamio ron;i,77 ( both thole altsenter into thecompetition of derifton) at our tturcum 1721 lerrowes; This was 7 bs harden above and betides all that he Meic. Dud. bare before ; They ( faithhe) ,1.t areyounger then I, haveme in derifion. New piOnfitt TheSeptuagint render, yeunf- ones reproved or adenonilked me, me minaret as if he had laid ; Now they that are younger then I, taste upon temgare. Sept. Augut. them to teach, yea to cheo*o, and admanifbme. And well might Graveeft fete" ?ob put this among his afflictions ; Seeing it cannot but be bur- 9N7 mstigo an. denfome to ancient men,who have long and often counfclled and tea co amore diresled others, to fee young upftarts, and green heads prelu- fecit, a jxfiori- ming to teach and dire them. This isa truth, but theOrigi- bxt artrnonnt nail Text will not beare that Tra,.flation, our own is full and 4.fec° clef's-¢. Rat non they that are,ennger :ben I, have me in derifion. Hence
Chap. 3o. An Expofîtion upon the Beoke of Jo B. Verf. I. 9 Hence obferve, Firft , The belt e f ablilhed eftate ofman in this world, is fubjeït to changes up and down, forward and backward is our lot in this life. What a aft difference is there ( as was toucht before) in the face and complexion of this and the former Chapter? ° fis not Katie to beleeve they fhould both concern the fame man ; prin- ces arechiefes among men ; all men are ready to powre honours upon them, and tome, flatteries; yet as the Ptalnaift bath it (Tfah 107. o. ) He ( chat is God) powreth contempt upon Princes ; A nd that may be the lot of goodPrinces, as well asof bad ones; So it was with lob, and he acknowledgeth it was God who fuffered, yea, ordered that contempt to fall upon him ; and fo abafed him, in the eyesof that people, by whom he had been fo highly honoured. The Apoftle (I Cor. 7. 3 r.) gives the reafonwhy Saints thould liveat a diftance,and keep their diflance from worldly things, Morning about them, as if they mourned not, rejoicing about them, as ifthey rejoyced soot, and ufing them, a not abufing them, becaufe, thefafhion of the world pafeth away; the world cannot keepe fafhon with any man long; Nor need we wonder that it doth not : for feeing heaven andearth, which are as (I may fay) the foundation, and the roofe ofthat great houle, which God bath built ( the world is but a great boule for man todwell in, feeing (I fay) thefe two, theHeaven and the Earth) ;'afe away, and are changed, how thould we imagine that any fate, or thing, under Heaven is free from changes : (Pfal. Ioz z5, z6.) Of old haft thou laid thefoundation ofthe Earth, and the Heavens are the work! ofthine hands, they fhallpe- ri$, but thou !halt endure, yea all ofthem Adwax old like a Gar- ment, as a veftenre (halt thou change tbem,and they¡hallbe changed, but thou art thefame,and thineyeares ¡hall baveno end; The Hea- ven,and the Earth containeand uphold all things; Now, if thefe are changed as agarment, much more are all - things between thefe,fubjc oft to continual! dicifitudes andchanges(Ifa.4o.6 ) All fe¡h irgrufe,and all begoodlinefe thereof,as theflower'of thefield; shegrafe withereth, the flowerfadeth, but the wordofour God ¡hall Randfor ever; nothingabides but God and his word: is there a. C ny
r to Cl ap.3o; .tn Lxpofitian upon the Reek of Jo N. Verf.t, ny Dabilit9 or continuance in graffe and flowers ? There's no more in man. We law lob a flourifhing flower in the former Chapter, but we fee him a withered flower in this. Secondly, as 741 outward Date changed, fo did the opinion, ofmenabout hip perfon. Hence obferve, (Men are very uncon(tant in their (fteeme and opinions of men. Variety ofopinions often arife concerning the fame men, even while the men are the fame, muchmore when their condition al- ters ; They that were elder then fob,had him in honour formerly. But, Now they that wereyoungerthenhe, bad tine in derifion. And ifwe looke upon the young men in the29th Chapter, they were all in awe of him, and hid themfelves, they durft not appears where he was prefent ; He was a man of fuchauthorit'y, and car- ried it with loch a Majefickgravity, that he w-a above reproach; yet now, evenyouths, grew not only bold with him,but abuuve. We read (e 4Ets 14. t r. ) how highly Paul and Barnabas, were efteemed by the Heathen i yßrians ; thole holymen, had . much a doe to flave off the people from adoring, and facrificing to them ; They cryed them up for more then men, Paying, The Gods are come dawn to tat in the likeneffe ofmen. Sothat `Paul was forced to nfe his heft oratory to perfwadc them out ofthat lav- i[h opinion, arai idolatrous devotion ; (v. Is. ) Sirs whydoeye theft things, we alfo aremenoflike pawns with you,andpreach un. to you that you lhould turn from theft vanities unto the living Clod, yet at the i 8th verfe, theydrew them out ofthe City andDoned' them as men not worthy to live. And as Paulhad here a change from the better to the worfe, fo from the worfe to the better, ( Alts28. 4, 5, 6,) when the BarbariansTaw the venemoses beat bang on his hand, they[aid among themfelves, ne doubt this man is a murderer, &c. And though he Aooke offthe beaft into the fire, andfelt no harms, yet they lookedwhen he /'hould have fwollen, or fallen down deadfueldeztly ; but after they had looked agreat while, andfew noharme come tohim, they changed their minds', andPaid that he was agod ; Thus upon eventsor changes of providence, tzany change their apprehenfions ofmen, fomtimes for the bet- ter,
Chap. 30. An expofltion upan the Rook of Jo t. Verf. ter, but ufually for the worfe ; Though there is nothing more certaine then what the Rate ofagood man is, and fha!! be in the thoughts of God,yet there is nothing more uncertain, then what he fhall be in the thoughts of men. Hence take thefe two inferences ofadvice. Firf,Be not lifted up,by theapplaufe and approbation ofman, be not much taken with their good word, and efteeme. Saints mutt learne to efteeme themfelves,b the efteeme they have with God. The Apoftles approved, themfelves as the Mizvtters of God, not only, in much patience, in ofittions, in xecr f ties, &c. But, By thearmour of righteoufnef e, on the right land, and on the left, by honour, and dijhonour, 'byevill report , aYdgood report. Honour among men, is one ofthe greatett tryals ofman. An ill report is very burdenfome, and 'cis no eafie matter rightly to beare ; a good report, Astbefiningpot is to theftiver, fe is a man to his praife (Prow. 27.21.) that is, (as the (cope ofthe pro- verbe carries it) fo is praife to a man. He that is praifed, is not only muchapproved, but much proved ; This finingpot, will in- deed try what metall he is made of. As praife is due to worth, fo it makes a difcovery ofworth ; And looke what worthlesneffe, what droffe, or lightnefíe is in any mans fpirit,praife will difcover that alto. Secondly , Seeing there is fuck a changableneffe in the judge- ments; and opinions ofmen ; Then, as wefhould not be lifted up with their applaufe, fo not calk down by their defpifings ; (Ifa. 2.22.) Ceafeyefromman, whole breath is in his nrirills, for wherein is ha to be accountedof, his praife is not to be accounted of, nor is his reproach, his good will is not much tobe accounted of, nor is his difpleafure. We are not to rejoyee much in what man candoe, or fay for us, nor are we to be troubled much at what hedoth, orcandoe, at what he faith, or can fayagainft us, while weare innocent. Again , Confider, 7o6 was inan afflitied condition, when they that wereyounger then he, badhim in derifion. Hence note. A change in our outward condition, caufeth many to change their opinionsconcerning au. C 2. While
az Chap. 3o. An Expofition upon the Booke of Jo a. Verf.t. While 7b did fwim in the full ftreames ofriches and honour, all refpeâed him, but no fooner were the waters fallen, and his worldly greatneffe ebb'd or abatcd,but all forts ofmen,efpecially the wont of men abated their refpec`ts to him. No fooner was he affli tedt, but flighted and derided. 74, was as perfeet, and upright, hefearedGad, andeft hereed evill as much as ever, his in- ward flare changed not, only his outward d d, he was not fo rich and pompous as before, he made not fo faire a fhew in the firth as before, that beautywas darkened, ftaíned, and gone, and then they lawno forme, no comlineffe in him, chat they (hould define him. They who judge according to appearance, cannot judge righteous judgement, either concerning things or perfons, How fuddainly did Shimei take an advantage, to revile and raile upon David, when he faw him in a troubled flare. David was as gra- cious a man asbefore, he was as much after Gods heart as before, but becaufe he was in diftrrffe, how doch the tongue of Shimei rage and rant againft him I 'Tis the happineffe and comfort of blievers;that God alters not his apprehenfions ofthem,upon a- ny outward alterations which befall them:let their eltate vary ten times a day, as to worldly things, yet the judgement of Godva- rieth not concerning (hem ; They are as muchhonoured and lo- ved ofGod upon a dunghill, as upon a throne. And that men alter theit opinion ofus upon thele alterations, is argument e- nough that they are but men , that are blinde,and ignorant, than they judgby appearance,& not in righteoufnefs;we[horrid walke byfaith, andnot by fight, fomtimes towards others, as well as our !elves. And whenwe judge of men, we fhould not looke at what they full-r, but at what they are, ellewe may Toone paffe a wrong (entente upon them. What the Apoft!e faith to another purpofe, is true ofthis (z Cor. 4. 18.) Lake not at the things that are frene, but at the thingr that are not (eerie ; Ifyou looke at the things which are fettle, you will fay fuchaman is happy and good, becaufe he enjoyeth good, and pro!pers; and you will conclude filch a man is miferable, and flarke nought, becaufe poore, and laid low in the world: Therefore learne to judge of men, by the things that are not Teen,' in their nature, but in their fruits andeffects,, by their grace, and fpi-icuall glory, by their faith, and righteoufneffe, by their patience, and meekneffe, by their holineffe, and uprightneffe. Judge others by their beft part,
Chap, An Expofttion upon the Boob! of f o s. Vert, i, part, atad right fide, elfe youwill make a wrong, a crooked judg- ment of them, and deride thole whom youought to reverence. Fourthly, From the thing it felfe ofwhich lob complaints. Obferve, To be /cornedand deridedamangff men id a great afflitlion. Chrift numbers it with perfecution ( Matti,. 5. I r. ) BlefJed areye, when men ¡hall revile yóu,and perferuteyou, and flood fay all manner ofevillagainf$ you falflyfor my fake ; And among all fuf- ferings, this to fame is the fault, and the greoteft ; The Apuftle Net io guarodo exhorts the Saints ( Heb. 10. 32. ) Tocall to remembrance the ° "rib' pera recur áM47 i:ï former dayes, in which after they were illuminated, they - endured a totem rrerd:re great fight ofaffliEtions,.he calls it agrear faghr, the word is tran- rnaledrtla, corn flared a manifold fight ; now what was this grear fight of ai-Fíi ceri multi ad ons ? the next words anfwer, partly, whilfi you were made a ga- laqueani convo- z.ing fioclle, both by reproaches andaltttions ; (They are made probri uon op, e- a gazing ftocke, whom men derideand fcorn ( And, faith he, remea. Chry. do thisyou endured great, a manifoldfight ofoffluttion, as if they (of Horn. 15. had contended with many enemies ; yea, with many Armyes of ,n Math enemies, while they{ton*ly r ceived the charge of their deriders. can And to thew that derifìon or fcorn is a great aftliâion, the Pro- 'rua h-,(f bus phet foretold that a very great part of Chrifts fufferings, fhould urrgnnrúmeGa: be paidhim inderifionc. (Ifa. 53. 3.) He is,defpifed and rejpEted depudriat. ofmen, a man of Arrows, and acct:-ainted withgriefe (it was no (mall griefe and forrow tohim, to be defpifed) fo it was pro- phefied of him, and the biftory ofarias fufferings proves the fulfillingof it to the full. Fifdy 7,6 comp!pines much that l'e was derided ; what was lob ? he was a man that had formerly been in gre.:t honour and efteem,and now to be derided,went necr, and thick dole to.him. Hence note. When a man who loath been rn tech refpeEled, comes to be deri- ded, hù a ,1fien is double. Ifamearie man, who never knew what honour rneanec, be defpifed, it is fomevhat to him, but it touches a man to the quick that bathbeenhigh in honour,to fee and hear himfelfedifbonou- red,
rq Chap. 3°O. An Expefttion upon the 'Soot, of Jo a. Verf. i red; Some out ofa true nobleneffe, others out of a fullenneffe or cynicallneffeoffpirit, flight the refpefts and applaufe of the world; it is a fmall matterco fuch, thong) all defpife them, but for thofe, who either have, orwould have repel with men, for chore whohave a delire, and an appetite after honour, or a care of, and refpeft to their honour, (fo a good man may have : am- bitiaully to &firehonour, and aime at it, is nor good,but to take care ofour honour and credit is good, and a duty) now for ft ch a man to be difhonoured or fleighted by men, is a great tryall ; And this aggravated that contempt and reproachwhich was pou- red upon Chrift,becaufehe was a perfon fó infinitely honourable, he was honoured oftheFather, he was honoured and adored by the Angels, he thought it not robbery, to beequall with god, and yet when he came down into the world, he was reputed a Devil', and calledThisfellow. Ohow heavy is the burdenorreproach to them, whohave been loaded withhonour ! Indeed our Lord Je- fus Chrift was above the reproaches of men. He (as'cis laid Hob. 12.2. ) de/pifed the )dame ; that is, hefleighted it as that which could not reach him ; but in it felfe, reproach is a snorfell ofvery hard digeftion,only grace, and a fence ofacceptance with God, canget it off the 1tomacke of man. Heonly that truly ho- nours God, cancomfortably entertaine difhonour among men ; And when men refufe togive us the honour due to us, it is good for us toconfider, whether we havenot fayled in giving honour to God, towhom all honour is due. Sixtly, lob argues his affliftion,not only becaufe having been in honour, he was now derided, but becaufe he was derided by youngmen. Hence note, When aged andgrave men, arede/piledby there that areyoung, thiekightens the affliflion. lob puts that in,as a fpecial ingredient,young men did it: There are three confiderationsabout perfons reproachingus, which en- creafe the fenceofour reproach ; Firft, when we are reproached by friends, there ten times have ye reproachedme , faid fob to his friends ( Chap. 19.3 . ) to be reproached by thole that are in- timates, familiars, and companion friends, is mock unfriendly and cuts
Chap. 30 An &xpofttion upon the' Bookof J ò a. Verf. I. cuts deepely: Secondly, To be derided by wife men (fuch were yobs friends) that's more cutting. Thirdly, (as here in the Text) to be derided by young men, by perlons much below us, is another cuttingcircumftance of our reproach. When E'lifha went up unto Eethel, as be waagoing up ty the way ( faith that Scripture ). there cameforth little children out of the City, and mocked him, andlaidunto him, goettp thoubald-head ; This pro- voked the holy Prophet to the quick, fo that ( not in a paflìon, but ferious deliberation) he curled them in the name of the L.rd, j z King. 2.23,24. ) young men,not only by the LawofGod, but of nature,andof nations,ought togive refpeet to the ancient;. To feeall thefe !awes broken at once upon us, cannot but be a heart-affecting, ifnot a heart - breaking aftli&ion. Seventhly, lob complaints ofthis uncomely carriage,not only asit was an afiction tohim, but as it was a wickedneffe in them.. Hence Note ; owl sk a wicked fjdrit. A dull fpirit is farrebetter, then a deriding fpirit. 'Tic better to be afoie, then aPieter They in the firft 'Pjalme, who fate down in the chaire ofthe (corner, were afcended to the bight ft f}ep or top ofwickedneffe. cítifea are bad to the artmoji, when once theyderide thegood, or their betters ; and yet I can farce de. termine which is worft, toderide the bad, or the good,feeing the condition ofthe one, calls for pity and compaiTionat our hands, as fart and as loudly as the condition of the other calls for refpeet and honour. The Apoftle prophecieth ofageneration of [cor- ners, as the dreggs ofmankinde, in the dreggs oftime. (2 Per. 3. 3. 7.) Knowing this,that there /hall come in the left dsyes fooff rs, walking after their own lefts ; They throw cffthe Law, and walk . by their lofts, who fcoffe either at the word of God,at the wayes ofgood men, or at the wickedneffe of thofe who are bad. Eighrhly, Note ; e/d.c it isfinfull toderide any, fo it is more fnftall to deride the aged,and ttufPanful to deride the aged,when they are in mifcry.. Both thefe were complicated in lob, he was an ancient man, and
li rCs Chap.3o. An Expofrtion upon the Boobs of Jo a. Verf. t and an aflfted man; to deride a young man, in his profperity is a fin, but toderide an old man in mifery, is (who can tell how) many finns, it is wofull to be in mifery, but woe to them, who deride the miferable. Ninthly, feb was nor onlyan aged, and an afflifted man, but he was agood anda godly man,and that made the fin yet worfe, and the more exceeding finfull. Laftly, From the perlons deriding, they were young men. Note ; Youth is very apt to evill, young men are ready to abufe them- /elves andGibers. As young twos counfels are dangerous, (jeroboam loft ten Tribesby following them) fo young mens affeftions, are boy- fterous and unruly, pailexhorts Timothy toji'y youthfull lu/fs, old age bath its lufts, no age, b.;t there is a lust that belongs to it; but youth bath more lulls haunting it,rben anyage ofman. It is a great argument of the power ofgrace, when grace fubdues loft in young men; To fee young men converted to God, and godly inconverlation; To fee young men fubjeft to the Scepter of aria, and mortifying their corruptions; To fee young men ferving the Lord, andhonouring his fervants in their affli tions, this fhewes the mighty powerof grace fubduing loft, which is ready toget into the throne, and atonce to rule and reline all. Paulgives this counfelto his fon Timothy, Let no man de/pile thy youth:young men,had need take care to keep themfelves from be- ing defpifed, and youngmen have as much need to be councelled yea admonifbt not to defpife others, efpecially the ancient. By bowmuch men ofany age, are more obnoxiousto any loft, by fo muchthe more fhould they be both awakened, and watch- ful! againft it.Tbey that areyounger then d, have me in derifion. Whofefathers Iwouldhavedifdained, to have let with thedogs ofmy flocke. As 7,1er deriders were young men, or men inferiour to him in age, fo they weremeane men in degree, fuch they were ('faith he ) iy>iofe
Chap. 30. An Expolftion open the Book! ofJos. Verf. I. 17 woofe fathers I would have difdained to have fet with the dogs of my flock. We may take thefe fathers,either for their immediate fathers, or for chofe at a further remove, any from whom they were de- fcended may be comprehended under their fathers. This relative . Terme Father, is a name, firft of age ; fecondly, of honour ; thirdly, ofvertue, it imports gracioufneffe, wifdome and gravi- ty We may fuppofe Ancients or Fathers fully f#ored with treafures of wifdome and knowledge, of grace and goodneffe. And hence, force by Fathers here underhand, fuch of them as werewifeft and of greateft underftandirg , or fuck of them as were b:ft and of greateit experience. But I rather take the word properly for natural) fathers. who( fathers I would have difdained. The word imprts loathing, or naufeating, which is properly DI.* a troubleforne affection of the hom.ack at unplenfing meats; Reproaibam, as if ?ob hadPaid , I was ready to (pew or vomit at the fight or ham ,e e. thought of them, they were a barden to my foaled I looked up- 1,121, sr.ücie- on them as loathfome creatures, and therefore unworthyof the bam cumfaf i meaneft place or office ; even tohave let themwith thedogs ofmy die. flock; that is, to have appointedor difpofed them with the dogs of my flock. Dogs are accounted the meanelk of creatures, though force dogs have many very good qualities in them , and Cane quit fa- are very ufefull, which hath given occafion to very grave wri- amanti, g ü d.mino ? quit tars to (peakmuch in their commendation:yet in Scripture fpeech ftdelior comes and fence, a dog is a terme, not only of force diminution, but of quit cuffos in- utmoft difgrace. When elifha prophefied what fad and black corruption ?quis work Hazael would make in the world, he anfwered with high ezcuhit teve- eft indignation (zKings 8. i 3. ) what it thy fervant a dog )antler ? yui, that he Ihould doe this great thing; he fuppofed the Prophet had deniq; ultor out the loweft opinion of him, when he foretold that be.fhould ad vindexconlfan- fuch cruelties, and himfelfe knew no lower expreflìon of that tio'.Cohomel: _cNanet H ot fin ecruàre low opinion which the Prophet might have ofhim, then to to e polehimfelfe a dog. We have a paralel place (aSam. i 6.9.) peffre na--m Then laid "bifbet thefoxof Zerviale unto the King, Why ¡hauled Virg: D this
18 'Chap,3o; lei Expefitien upon the Book cf Jo B. Verf.r; skie deaddcg ( meaning Sbimei) curie my L;rd the King, let me goe over, ï pray thee, and take eff his bead. Chritt fpeakes at the fame rate ( Mat. 15. 26. ) It is not meet to take the Children: bread, and to caff it to dogs ; that is, to vile perlons or to the Gentiles , who were then adefpifed people, yea not a people. ( Mat. 7. 6.) Give not that which is holy untodigs ; that is, to prophane men, who are the vileft ofinen. At this day, the Jewcs and Turkes call any that are nor of their religion, dcps. And it is the cuflome ofmany Nations, to call thofe whom thr,y dcfpife or hate, dogs. The Imes called the GentiL s dogs becauíe as the, dog was an unclean creature, fo the Jenes accounted the Gen- tiles common and unclean : And that was the Apoftle Titers o- pinion of them, till God taught him another Iríf.rt (Alts to, ) The Apoftle Paul('Phi!. 3 2.) exhorts the Church to beware ofdogs; that is, of falle Teachers, who are like dogs, bemire bale and unworthy; they are filthy dogs,and fawning doge, they arealto fnarling and biting dogs ; and they are fitly called dogs, for they will take a great deale of paines, they will compats a great deale ofground, as fpannielis doe, yea as Chrift fpake of the Pharifees, they will compaffe teaand land, to get their game, or make a profelyte. Dogs are under many difparagernents all the Bible over, and it, almcft, ends with this dreadfull fentence (Revel. 22, t 5.) Without are dogs : therefo+e when fab faith, Iwouldnot have ¡et themwith the d;gs of my f%ck, he impiyeth a very low, the Iowa efteem of them ; and 'Lis probable this . was a vulgar or proverbiall fpeech in thole Countryes, to fi- gure out anunworthy man, He is not worthy re fit with thedogs ; we may give lobs fence more particularly thus ; either Non dignahar Firft , That the fathers of rhefe young men lived a worfe life,, paires pone- then the very dogs that kept his flocks. And then to fet them, re, a. e. comp- is to compare them withhis dogs, as if70b had fayd, I made as ne, a comparare good account of the dos of m flock as of fuch men, or m cum nib, g g y y ceâis ;mi. dogs lead as good a life as they, and feed as well as they; you Vrvu G,utuír may read their bill offare, or how they were dieted, v. 3, 4. t(g ra e létun Óc fecoadly, fecing lob would notfee :ken with the dcgs of bit d Hot. lib.=. oc!¿ ít thews they were as vile, as vile could be, not only fuch as FsP,i(t. t. were of the loweft rank and courfeft fort ofmen, but fuch as were below the loweft, and courier then the courfeft of men; aios fic for any good mans company, no nor for any mans com- pany,
Chap,30. As expofition upon the soak of ,ÿo s. Verf. r. a9 pang, yea fuch as were (carte fir for the company of beafts, or tech as were not fit for their company who are placed and rec. kon'd amongft the lowegof beafts, or of thofe who are lower then beats, dogs ; And thofe dogs too, the lower fort ofdogs ; not fuch dogs, as the Lord or Mafter of the family delights in for hauking and hunting, nor fuch as the Miftreffe of the gamily fometimes lays in her lap where the children (hould be, and where fhe would potíibly difdaine to lay a poore mans childe, but they were more defpicable then (as we fay) an ordinary Shepheards turre. Thirdly, We may expound there words as exprcf ig the unfitneffe ofthofe perfons,for any bufinefs or offi,e ; as if 7c6 had layd, I would not truft themwith the keeping of my (beep, or I would rather trutt my flock of (beep with my dogs, then with them ; my dogs would be morecareful! and ferviceable then they. Fourthly , When Sob faith , whofe fathers Iwouldhave dif- iodigni quibrt dained to havefet with the dogs of my flock: we may give the canon cuffodia fence thus; Iwould sot make them my dog-keepers, or I would not committsretur, vel fie them over mydos So fome expound that of Abner z Sam.3. qui caner ,/ ) g P ( curarent.Ghry- 8.) Am I a dogs-head, &c. that is, Am I a dog keeper, am I Ge- f,,ft. nera! or Commander ofdogs,rather then General of anArmy ? Nam nie pra- Am I fo meant I This expofition fuits well with the words fol, fctFum cantóut lowing. For wherein could thefirength of their handsprofit me ? exrf(tmat Here it may be queftioned, whether it did become lob to (peak thus contemptiblyofmen, though his contemners ? May any man fpeak thus of men ? or think them not fit to Et with his dogs, or to be fet over his dogs ? may a man prefer his dogs before men ? What though they were poore , and nought, yet as men they were above all beafts ; yea as good as any man in their general (tate or nature, as men. The meaneft beggar, hath as much ofmanhood, or ofhumanity ftridly taken, as the grea- teft Prince, why then doth lob fpeak thus difdainfully of them here ? In the former Chapter he fpake in another tone of the poore, he was a helper to the fatherleffe, he defpifed none for their low eftate. I anfwer, 7o6 did not difdaine them, becaufe poore, he only thews what kinde of poore they were who derided him, even fuch as no.man would imploy, co not to keep fhtcep ; He dcf- D a dained
20 Chap. 3o. Expoltion upon the Booke of J o a. Verft dained them not becaufe poore infate , but becaufe wicked in life. 'Tis finfull to revile any that beare the Image ofGod, to call them dogs, or to fet themwith their dogs ; yet in many, fo littleof the linage ofGod appeares, and fo muchof the image of the Devil!, that to call them dogs, yea to call them Devills, is to give them their due. Man that it in honour andunderfand- eth not, is like the beafts that peri/h ( Pfal. 49. zo.) What then are they like, who have neither honour nor understanding ? Hence note Firft Oleos of a lore and vile condition, are often lower and viler in their Conditions. Some poore in this work!, are rich in faith, as the Apoile lames fpeakes (Chap. 2. ÿ.) Thefe are ble(fed poore ; Chrift faith to the Church of Smyrna (Rev. a,.9.) I know thine af- flitlion, and thy poverty, but thou are rick ; thou art in a poore ftate, as to the world, thou haft fcarce bread to put into thy belly, or cloathes to put on thy back, but thou art rich in grace, and cloathed with the righteoufneffe óf Jefus Chrift`; others are poore in faith,aswell as poore inpurfe,they are poore in purfe, and poorer in grace; Thefe are miferable and wretched, Poore.. Note , Secondly ; Some are fo vile and bale in their qualities and conditions, that they are not fit for the meaneit office , not fo much as to keep fhcep; no nor to keep dogs. O confider how fin hath degraded man l O how low are we fallen by fin ! every man hath fomething of adivine light by nature.( reafon is a divine light) yet by fin man as not only below grace, but reafon, and renders himfelfe unfit to be au- fled with the keeping ofheath. God bath furnifhed forre men with light and grace, with gifts and parts, with wifdome and underftanding, to adminifler and marnage all forts of affaires, both in Civills and fpiritualls; But fin bath rendred others un- fit for.any, the meaneft fervice, even to keep (beep; What are beaftly, fwinifb, anddog-like, conditions good for ? And bow fad
Chap. 3o. An Pxpofition upon the Books of J o B. Verf. a. 21 fad is it when Each as a goodman would difdaine to fet with the dogs ofhis flock, are fet in the higheft imployments and offices among, yea over men. The Prophet Ifaiah (peaks of Shep beards, tnyfticall, fpirituall Shepheards, that were not fit to keep: dogs ; And Chef: he compares todogs (Ifa. 56. a o, a t. ) Hie watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant , they are all dumb: dogs, they cannot barke, fleeping, lying.downe, loving toflamber, yea they are greedy dogs, which cannever have enough ;and they are Shepheards that cannot underftand. And when men (hewed themfelves thus brutifh, no marvaile,if the Prophet cryed (y 9.) Allye beafts ofthe field come to devoure, yea all ye beaffs in the forrefl. Some men are fet to rut: men, who keep: no rules; and fome men are fet to teach men, who cannot teach themfelves ; many take upon them toguide others toheaven, who are !been. felves going tohell ; this is a lamentation, and fhould be for a lamentation. Yet fuch are fometimes offended that they get not great Imployments, whole wickedneffe unfits them for any Ina ployment s A wife man would not fet them over his dogs, WhenPharaoh had heard of 7ofephs brethren, he Paid to him ( Gen. 47.6. ) ifthou knoweft any men o{'aîlivit_yamorg1t them, thenmake them rulers over myCattel ; `Pharaoh would not have men rulehis Cattel, unleffe they were men of. a&ivity. ; that is., menboth difcreete and induftrious. He would not trua droanes nor fluggs with looking tohis (beep or Oxen ; ho v then (hould we look: outmen ofparts andhonetty for Civil offices over the outward man, and howmuchmore for fpirituall offices over the foules ofmen ? Laftly . Note ; Though no man is to be upbraided meerly for his poverty, yet' they that are poor: andwicked too, may jufly be upbraided' with it. The Apoftle having fayd (r 'Pet. 2. 77. )' Honour all men, prefently adds, Love the brotherhood, Feare god ,Honeur the King. As there is a fpeciall love due to the brethren; that is, to Saints, or godly men, and a peculiar honour due to Magi - ftrates, or mightymen ; fo there is a common honour due to all men, whichyet they forfeit: who ac4 and walk below the du- sir.
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