Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

94 Chap. 3o. An Expofition noon the Boos; of Ja B. Verf. I r, _ Firft, That the ordinance ofGod may beacknowledged and fubmitted to. Thisand that fort, forme or model of Magiftra- cÿ, is indeed a humane creation, or an ordinance ofman, ( ',Pet. 2. t 3. ) But that there fhould be Magiltrates, and they honou- red by the people, is an ordinance ofGod, or a divineappoint- ment. As therefore it is a high contempt to cart off thole ordi- nances ofdivine worfhip whereinwe immediately honour God ; fo to caft off thofe ordinances of humane order wherein we ought to honour man. The refpe t which we give to the powers of this world, is not a matter ofcomplement but confcience, nor are we under a liberty, but a necefíity togive it. Secondly, Every foule mutt be fubje& to the higher powers, that there may be a fubrniffton to the tpeciall or prefent dilpen- fation or providence ofGod,as well as to his {landing ordinance; God changeth power fromveffel to veffel as himfelfe pleafeth, andin what veffel foever, he puts it, we mutt fubmit to it. As fore refufe to ferve the God who made them, but make them- felvesa god and then ferve him ; fo forme will not fubmit to the M rgiftrate which Godbath made them, but mutt have one of their own making orchufing before they will fubmit to him. Whereas indeed as none are at a liberty whether they will fub- mit togovernment or rio, fo no private perlons are at a liberty, what Governours they will fubmit to; and therefore the Apo. file determines all particular or private perlons in that povnr, ( Ron. r3. r. ) Thepowers that be (kt thembe who they will ) are ordained of god. And fo the PfalrN tt long before; Promotion eometb not from the Eaf1, orfrom the W. ft, nor from the S,nt o, bat Gcd is the fudge, he putteth dowre one and lettethMP another, ( Prat 75. 5, 6, 7.) Now, to own the will ofGod in his paricu lar detignemenc ofaGovernour, is our duty as much as to own his will inappoynting government. Nebstchadnrizar was con- demned to a beaftiall life, till he Jhould learne this leffon and make this acknowledgement, (Dan.4.32,) TheyJha!! drive thee frommer., and thy dwelling !hall be with the beaî.ts ofthe field they (ball male thee to Late graft as Oxen, and(even times !hall pale o- ver thee, twill thou knew that the molt High ruleth in the Ong- dome ofmen , andgiveth it to whomfoever he rill And therefore when we feeGod by fignal providences taking the kingdorne from one perfon or family, who arewe that we should contra- did