Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. An Expofition upon the Book? of JO E. Verf.14. 113 Hence note; They who are Evilare ready to binder other) in doinggood. They who care not to doe good themfelves, delire not that others fhouiddoe it ; Like thole Lawyers whomChril reproves and denounceth a woe againft ( Luke I I. 5z.) They take away the keyof knowledge,they enter not in themfelvet,andthem that are entering in they hinder. Not to have a will to enter and walke in a good way our felves is finfull enough, but to flop or difcourage thofe that would,is much more finfull The former may proceed only from floath or a want of love to the wayes of God,, but the latter muff needs proceed from fpight toand hatredof the wayes ofGod, or ofthofe who walke in them. They fhall be lowed in hell, who hinder others from heaven. Theymarremy path. Theylet forwardmy Calamitie. In the former words lob defcribed the perverfenes of his ene mies, either by their reproachinghim for,or oppofng him in the wayes of equity and piety ; here hedefcribes them might and maine ( as we fay) helping on his mifery. 7ebrcalamity came fart enough upon him, and duck dole e- +ririu eft au- nough tohim, yet thefemens charitywas to let it forward, or te n ni;t five to put it on fatter, as if theywere afraid he would never be mile- cáarnatn,rpeir: table enough, nor Toone enough. The word which we render niciet ; qui for. Calamitie, lignifies any evill accident or troublebefalling us in nut a lv in voce this world. We render it mifchiefe, (Ezek. 7. a.G.) iVi(chiefe Jehova. Druf. fhallcome upon mifchiefe, &c. Thefe vile perfOns helped onne his mifchiefe, or that which was molt mifchievous untohim:though his care was exceeding fd,and the chaine ofhis of étion exceed- ing heavy, though his fores and forrows preft hurt continually, yet as if all thefe were too haleand too light, yeaas ifall thefe 4ugent mean Matnitate evills were too flow paced, and did not come thicke and quicke promovent, m vC. enough upon him, theydid their heft tobatten and make them lut eadentem worfe ; he was falling,and they thruft him downe;he was douvne, impellunt. and they trampled upon him. All this and more, we may con- Mere. ceive ?oh intending, while he not only faith but complaineth, Theyfetforward my Calamitie. Hence note theevill difpofitionof thefe men,or the difpofiti- on ofevill men.