Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

st IxItto&At tullla* imenSta eta>ti,>>tot m t : WI' rk A N EXPOSITION WITH Pracìicall Obfervations UPON TheThirtith, Thirty-fira Chap- ters of the Booke of T 4 B. J O B, Chap. 30. Verf. i. .hut no they : that are younger then I, have ere rnderifion, Whofe Fatkerr I would have difelained to havefit with the Dogs ofmy flocke N the former Chapter, we have heard 74 dif- courfingof, and difcovering his former telicity, a felicity of the highcft pitch and $rff magnitude, as to the having and enjoyment ofa numerous progenie with riches, honour, and peace. A felicity,as he fuppofed,not higher built their well bottom'd and fure,(o Pure that he conclnded,l /dial,' dye in my nei, andmultiply my dayet as thefand. In thisCha peer we fee, howmuch hewas miflaken, and had over- reckoed himfelfe, in that poynr, or perfwafion. He that B runs