Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

2 Chap.3o. An Expofriea upsn the Book of Jo s. VerLI, runs may read, and he that reads cannot but cry out with wonder Mac, Alas, how unlike is 74 (in temporalls) to what be once was ? O how is the cafe now altered with him 1 He that law him b. fore and fees him now, will fcarce beleeve his own eyes,. that he fees the man now whom he faw before. enprf stars And (no doubt ) 7 b lets there oppofi to flares one over s. ag, gairft the other ; that he right the more illuftrate, or aggravate c /sc,(ort, the one by the other, and giveus a proipeâ ofhis old and new, ofhis fi,.urifhing and withering co- ndition in oneview. Here are reprefented as in the fame landskip, a plea(ant paradife and a de- folate wilderneffe, a goodly building anda ruinous heape. Nor indeed can there be two Chapters of a more different title and. tenour, then there ; inwhich we may read and confider filch a variety or contrariety rather ofaffaires and iffues in the fame per. fon, as'can hardly be paralei'd in any hiftory facred, or prophane.. I.n this Chapxr,the lorrowlull man gives us a defcriptionofhis poore defolate ruin'd condition in as rich and rhetorical! a ftrain, as he didbefore of his paradifcall or profperous one ; Sorrow is as eloquent as joy can be. Nor didever any draw the pittureof a riling or railed man to the be$ of an earthly happineffe, wits a happier pliancy then others have done a falling or a fallen man to the worfi ofan earthly unbappintf e: Nor could ever any doe either the one or the other, fowell for others, as 7e.b ( by tI e bccc thin: gs ofthe Spirit with his pen ), bath done both for him. lei l:. His fallen ftaté is expreffed in this Chapter four wayes. F rit, He makes report of that extreame contempt which was . powred upon him.even by men of'contempt. In his profperous. ef';ate all sorts of men even the belt ofinen relpe&ed and reveren- ced him, many admired andonly not adored. him, both young and old beheld him, as jibe had been a man dropt out of the clouds, or ofadiv-ineexcracßion But in his calamitous effete all clef piles! and fleighted him,as if hadcrept out of a dunghill,or had derived his pedigree from the very dreggs of bìfeneffe, he begins this lad relation at the firft verle of this. Chapter, and porkies it totheendofthe tenth, Secondly, He alignsa reafon,or gives an accountabout the fpringe of this contempt that was powred upon him, which he pro1cutes from the iith to the r8ch verle; Becaufe he bath. !Pala m) coard.andaft7edme; they how al/elet loft the bridle, before,