Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. An Expofition upon the Boeke of Jo a. Verf. 14. 129 tilt inhim in all our needs, whether refpeaing ternporals, or eternals. We render (Tjal. 22.8.) Hetrufedon the Lord, and we put in the Margin, ieeerelled him¡elfe upon the Lord. SO (Tfal. 37.5.) Commit thy way unto the Lord ; the Hebrew is, roll thy way upon the Lent, that is, caft thy felfe and thy way upon the Lordwith affurance and Confidence that he will doe it for thee. It is good for us in any time of defolation toroll our (elves upon God believingly ; but iris fad when men roll themfelves, or lay their whole weight upon us (as theft men did upon ?ob) inthe day of our defolation. Be when ?ob faith, They rolled themfelvesupon mee in the dfo- lation; what means he ? Certainly theywere tarre from trtipring themfelves upon 706, he was in their opinion as a rotten fticke;, or a bruifed reed, as a thing ofnought, therefore that cannot be big fence or intendment in this paffage. But there is another Scripture fignification ofthe word roll,which may reach the pre- lent cafe. We find it ( gen. 43. i8.) where when 7ofeph upon the appearance ofhis brethren the fecond time, gave order that they fhould be brought in to dinner, they wereafraid,their own guilt made them very fufpicious and they Paid in their hearts, Becaufe ofthemoney that was returned in oxr jack., at thefyrß time are wee brought in, that he mayfeekoccafan againfius,andfallup- en us, &c. The Hebrewword is that in the Text (as we fay in the Margin ) That he may roll bimfelfe upon us : As if they hadPaid, 50fepb the Governor bath call'd for us into the h0ufe, that under the Colour offame offence, he may make us hie 'laves. The Seaven- eunocavaikie ty read that place clearely to this purpofe ; Hepath called us in pmc,utcalam to Charge us, or to accu/e au, to draw up an accufation again/i us. etatur nor 7 So then, to roll our feives upon another man, is by wayof accu- Sept°at taobK' fation, or Charge , tooppreffe and caft him downs. In which lence ( though negatively) the word is ufed (70(h. 5.9,) And the Lord laidunto ?ofhtea, This day bave I rolled away the re- proach of Egypt fromofyou; wherefore the nameofthe place is cal- led Gilgal (or rolling) to this day. God rolled away the re- proach of Egypt from Ifrael, by doing great things, and work- mg wonders for them. Egypt heaped reproaches upon them, but God tooke them off or they were once reproached in E- gypt a; llaves and captives, but now God made them not only free-menbut Conquerors; But chiefely at that time(as the prece- dent