Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

14Z Chap. 3o. An Expofitian upon the Book of J a E. Verf. 15, cy of the foule above the body doch appeare by its origi. nail, fo Secondly, By its operations;'Tis the foule which doch all the Noble worke in man. The fenf Live life which man hath in com- mon with beets, ferves him only to performeor put forth thofe as which are common to beans and men; as to heare, to fee, to tart , to find, to feele, to move from place to place, to Bate and drinke ; But 'cis the foule in man which underi andeth, tea. foneth and difcourfeth ,'fis the foule which willech defireth, and remembreth ; And 'cis the foule which loveth, hateth, reioy. ceth, forroweth. And though beans which have only a fenficive or bodyly life, doe Tome things like chefe, yet properly they can doe none of thefe nor can they doe any of them at all in comparifonof man, whofe foie prerogative it is to be endowed with a reafonable foule. Thirdly, ( which further exalts the foule, as A4'ans principal one, above his body,) when the body hath done growing in big. neffe and tailneffe ofnature; Then the foule often bath its grea. ten growth in knowledge, wifdome and underftanding. When the body fits Rill and moves neither hand nor foote , the foule can be in its fwifteft motions, and travaile in medication to the ends of the earth, it can then afcend the hights of heaven,andgoo downe to the depths ofhei. Againe, when the body is weakened by ficknes and old age, yea brought to theduff of death, then the fouie can gather ftrength , and renew its fpirituall youth like the Eagle. Thus fpake the Apoftle (zCor. 4. 16,) Mug Fur outward man periJh, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. And this the Apoftle 7o6 (Ep. 3 . z.) Both more then intimate, when he faith to his wel-beloved gaitu, 1with above all things (hemeaneth worldly things) that thou mayri proper be in health ( that is, that thou mayeft profper in thy health) da thy foule proffiereth. It fhould feeme,that goodman and friendly hoft of the Saints, Gaius, had hut a weake confurrptive body, yet a very thriving and vigorous foule. And 'cis a generals truth, that as we every where fee( and have caufe to bewayle it ) menof ftrong, healthy, a&ive bodyes, yet having poore, weake, lame, fickly foules; fo we may fometimes fee ( and have caufe to re- joyce in it) mencarrying about them feeble, decaying, dying bo' dyes, yet healthyand lively foules. Once more, when the body is