Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

144 Chap. 3o. An Expoftion upon the Booke of Jos. Verf,ry, thofe promifes ofeternal life, and threatnings of eternal death. Againe,Chrii proving the refurreftion ofthe Body,(Math.zz. 3 r, 32. ) faith to theLewes, Have ye not read that whichwas fpáken to you (while it was fpoken to your fathers) by God, fay. ing, l am the God of jbraham, and the god4fIfaac , and theGod of ?accb; From whichChrift maketh this inference in the clofe ofthe verle ; God :ù net the God ofthe dead, but of the living. But were not Abraham!faac and 7acobdead ? yes,their bodges were dead, but their foules lived, and thence he argues that their boa dyes alto fnould be railed againe to life , and remarried to their living foules. The very queftions , doubts and debates , which have been madeabout the foules immortalitie, are a proofe that it is immortal ; For as nonecandiftinguifh between rational and irrational, who have not a rational foule, fonone can diftinguifh between mortal and immortal, whohave not an immortal foule. 'Tis alto fome proofe of it, that there is an affectation ofa kind ofimmortality difcerrable in the wore ofmen; what pillars? what monuments have they retied to perpetuate or immotta -. " fin their memories yea the Scripture faith (Pfal. 49. t t. ) Their inward thought io, that their houfes fall continue for ever, and theirdwelling places to allgenerations, theycall their lands af. ter their own names. Nothing leffe will ferve their turnes, then for ever, and to all Generations. The unfatisfiednes of the mind with temporal things ., when looked upon asTemporali, and thofe teachings of the foule, even in carnal men, after an eternity ofenjoyment, thew plainely that the foule is eternal ; Ihave fome -where read, That Epicurus, (whom Antiquity bath fo farse branded for placingThechiefegood ofman in pleafure (though force fay hemeant it notof fenfuall, but contemplative pleafure) that all voluptuous perlons, or perfons given up to and drencht infenfuall pleafure take their denomination ( whether rightly or no, is not my worke to difcufï'e) from him , and are vulgarly called Epicures ; 'cis reported, I fay, that this Epicurus ) gave a penfion for perpetuity , that hisBirth-day might be remembred and folemnild perpetually. All thefe latter confiderations, are evidences fromnature, befides the evidences of Scripture, That the foule is immortal. And Wecall the foule immortali, not only as that which (hall ne- ver have a total! and final end , or be extin&for ever But we call