Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. An Ezpofttion upon the Backe of' Jo B. Vert. a5. $45 call it immortal!, as that which fhall never have any paufe of its exiftence, as the body thall. There is an opinion (tart up or awakened amongus about the foules fleeping, that is, dying with the body There raine Opi- nionifts make the foule nothing elfe but an effeft iffuing from the temperament of the body ( which was touch( before) as the life of abeaft is. But we fay the foule is immortal!, and ceafeth not at all, it (hall not as the body be reltored by the refurrc ti- on from the dead to an immortalitie, but fhall remaine for ever immortal!. The Scripture calls us to believe the refurreetion of the body , we heare nothing there about a refurreetion of the foule. The truth is, the foule falls not with the body, and there- fore hath no need to rifewith it. Though the ty be broken be.. tween the foule and the body, yet the foule reraines its being,. The word ofGod and divine reafon grounded thereupon, every where confutes this dreame ofthe Conies fleepe ; or as force have more broadly called it of the foules mortality, though a little veyledunder the title ofMans Mortality, by man underftanding the whole man, confifting ofbody and foule. Let me oily fay to Each, if the foule doth not calif or live while the body remaineth under the power of death, and is confumed todull, why fhould Paul fay ( 'phil. i. 23.) I am in afirait between two, having a deli:a to depart and to be withClrifi,whichù farre better, ifhe had not believed that his foule fhould live when departed ? what ad., vantage (mold he get, or what gaine bydeath as to his being with Chrift, if his foule fhould ceale tobe, or be aflcepe with his body when he was dead ?Tani was furely more with Chrift, and enjoyed more ofChrift whilehe lived, then he could doe after death, if his foule did not furvive his body, and goe to heaven while his body went to the earth, and was houfed in the g ave. And againe, why doth the fame Apoftle affert (2C r. 5.6. ) avbill we are at borne in the body, we are abfent from the Lord and (v. 8.) we areconfident, Ifay, and willing rather to beab. fent from thebody, and to he prefent with theLord ; why all this ? if the foule goe dowse to the duff with the body, what pretence have we with the Lord, when we dy ? Wherefore upon thefe and many other Scripture Authorities which might be alledged, we conclude, The foule is immortal, not (as thefe pretend and g ant) becaufe it (ball be rayfed to an immortal life with the V body,