Chap. '3o. in Expoftion upon the Bake of j o a. Verl. lea ' 161" eetb my bones. Thus king H:zekiah defcribes his =ream fick- ncffe ( /fie38. i 3. ) Ireckoned till mo°ning,that as a Lion fomill he bread, all my bones ; not that he thought God would indeed crufli his bones, bat thereby he would fet out .the violenceof his fickneffe, which he made full account would make an end of him before themorning were over or at an erd,even as when a feirce hunger bitten Lion teares the flefh and cracks the bones of a poore fheepe or lambe. And thi +s Çliheo defcribes his lick man, ( (hap. 33. 19 ) He is chafiruedwith paine upon his'bed, and the muleituá'eofhis bones with firei_g paine s That is, his whole body, or all his bones are chitincd, and the ís pained in every ioynt and part of his body. The breakingof the bones , and trouble upon the bones, import not only the forest fuff_ring, ofthebody, but of thefoulealto. When D.ivrid would tell us how e.:ceedsrglyy he was grieved for his fone, he prayes ( Pfal. 51. 8 ) Makeme to heart', andlladees, that the bones which thou l.,ft broken tray rejoyce. When webrt ake the çomt`tandements of God by fin- ring 'cis nomarvailr ( and when'tis with Godly forrow to re- pentance'tis a mercy) if God brake our bones with forrow for our fins, that is, if he bring us to the deepen fence,of bic difplea- lure, andof our own folly for our fins ; even as if he had broken ourbones upon the whetle, or difjoSitel them with a racket Heart b°cakings are. more painful( then bone.breakings, and are therefore exPrefed by breaking the bones, becaufe that to fence ismoft paint-till. David prayes againe in the fame Rhetorical! ftraine ( Pfal. 6. 2.) o Lord 'male me, for my bones are vexed. It was' the healingofhis fóulewhich he prayedifor,andthe trou- ble whine he had for wounding it, he calls the vexing of his bones. ('fdl. roz. 3. ) dayes areConfumed like fmoke, aria' my bones are burnt up as an hearth. So in that prophecy of Chritts forrowes. ( r 4.) Rll my bones were out ifjoynt. (Pjal. 32, 3. ) While I keptfslersce Tray bones waxed cld, 3tc. What doe all thele texts fpeake, but the forrow ofa foule pained under the appreherffionsof divinewrath forfin, either our own, or of others, as the cafeofChrift was. So on the contrary, whenGod is Paid to make the bones fart, it notes much mercy, or mercy all over'. TheProphet puts this among the promiles to them that keep a fait Indeed(Ifa.5&. r r.) The Lord ¡hall guide -thee Continually, and fatisfie thy foule n drought,