Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

`Chap. 3U.. tfn Expcftion ápen the 'Book of J B. Verf. I. Secondly Theymade him their byword, at the latter end of the fame verte. Thirdly, They abhorred bins, at the loth verle . Fourthly They fledfrom him they fo abhorredhim that they avoyded him, as if he had been (asTurtuIhee theOrator Paid of Paul) the 'Plague, or as we trar,ll_ite, ail PeJilentfellow. Fif ;h'y They did :even/pint in hisface; then which nothing can be done more reproachfully. Thus you have, the refolution; firfl, of the whole Chapter; and, Secondly, A more dtflinet difcovery ofthe firfk r e+ verles, which hold forth,the contempt and difhonour which 7.b fuffered from men, while he was forely fuffering and fmarting under the hand ofGod, `fhe greatneffe ofwhich fuffering appeares ; fir fi, by the confideration of the perlons from whom he fuffered. Secondly, by the a&ions under which he fuffered. So much of theGeneral' fence of this context. I (hall in the next place open the words diftindly. Vert t . But now they that are younger then I, have me in dt rifion. Bat now, This nowpoynts at the forrowfull turn of his flare, as if he had faid ; It is not with me now, as it hack been ; he fpeakes in the le um ißuc griefe of a fad heart, commemorating what he had been, and vertutn etp: t- comparing it with what he was ; It is a great mifery, to have morn el, hobu. been happy; Nnneare fo lose, es they who now can onlyfay, they i(je et nihil ha. havebeen high,nonc fo poore as they,whonow can only fay,they nerr.. Rurf.AFt.5 . have been rich, none are focut and pincht with difgrace, as they in fc. 3. who havingbeen in honour are forced to fay,Now they have tree in derifioo ; fuch was lob/ cafe. Now they that areyounger then I, have me in deeifi n. The Hebrew is, They that are /mailer ofdares then I, that is,they that have not lived fo many dayes as I ; The word i endred young, fignifies [mall or little, twowayes. -rn exiguwe Firft , In degree whether ofquantity or quality, in the 14th gu.tnrate et Chapter of this booke at the at verfe, lob ( faith of a deceafed q "nt`ta'e ' op- fnther, Hie founts come to honour and he knoweth it not, and they e3 }rw 5 2 are brought low, (or nude little, it is this word) but heperceivetle tiucn.zz3.) o et