Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

168 Chap. 30. An Expofítios upon the Booke of J o a. Verf.i 7 on, or the afiiftion of thefe dayes to pierce my bones , even it the night feafon. Againe , Others thus ; The night pierceth my bones ;The let- ter ofthe Original is cleared for this reading : As if he had fayd, I feele morepine in the night then in theday a The day paineth coo good eft my fleets, but the night pierceth my bones. (Mr. Broughton tren- Pfpia terrain ac Elates,) The night pierceth my bonesfrom one; we fay, in me; The p,áin=fe fupra Hebrew is, From above me ; as afcrtbing all his pines to God, ho -in.rr. Druf: who had aft-Titled him from heaven,,or from on high. sdnd my fsnews take no ref. Some read my nerves,others, ruy veiner, many my puffer take ;,,;;n ,,,, ne ref(: The Hebrew is, They lie not dorane, or fleepe" not. The. o.i -Lena al i éria pulfe lignifies the nature of the difeafe ; Phyliclans learne much n.ofcufi.Arnbee ofthe flate of the whole body by the pulte. Now, faith rob, my tAcant ve:>.as pulle, my sinews take no refl. When the pulle beats high, and pb'`l°` Cie!, pa uicke as if it were in erne, thencertainly the patient is in a ab Igefir° a s `1> li «,, very great diiemper. Now, The pulleufeth to move more tem. canrr"sr a 1:,B`1 perately in the night, when the heate is drawne into the inward puif alt. i)iuf. parts, yet lob (it feemes) by reaton of his great inflammation, Niel; puffusme and the accutenesof his difeale, found his pulse as quicke in the redditur ni ht as in the day and the ulfe being lore(lleffe, {he could nor rempore ro g y + p ¿turno, qui tr.- take no ref+. men minsi de- There is yet another reading, which I (hall touch a little, and bcrer,quia color fo fhut up the expofition of this verte. For whereas wee fay, retrahrtur in pantos rntcrk., my (news, that faith, they that eat mee takeno roll : Which is ex roan. vatobl. platned two wayes. Futlus of cor. l irft; For the wormes or lice which bred in his putrified dis arteriar"uq; fief's, which we may fuppofe an trouble_me as the malice of the :status, natty' Devill could make them : As if he had laid,;:rhe vcrrsrine which caforit moe(era- tar ex diaftote aregenerated inmy wounds andfares, takeno riff, nor will they fyilo:eq; confr. fuffer me to take any they lie alwayes biting, and working, and fleas, utdicunt gnawing., as if they would Bate me táp. Flora then can I take _Medici. rift ? wame come Secondly Others, by theft Eaters, underflan$ his oh- ioille?i wad non day- + y timont. vulg. and detrattors. They eat up a man, who fland,e an,' flake cvill Nee quiefcunr ofhitn" tholeestop a mans eredit,or,goodname.Ar d ehefe ( faith vernier V.C, fob according to this expofition) givemee no ref I am cánti, a r;,e, nually"followed by. men,' whofeaongues are let o'a fie,'wliol) äna