Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 30. An Expofttian upon the Booke of Jo B. Verf. 17. 169 malice is reftleffe ; no wonder then if my reputation be fmoakt and fmother'd,fcorcht & almoft conrumed to Ales, among thofe who know or beleeve no more nor better of mee, then thefe men report, who are alwayes reporting evil) of me. They that thus care me, who would eate up and devoure my honour and inno. cency at a morfel, are hungry ftill,andwill not gïveover eating; They that once me take no refit. This is an undenehie truth, de trcttors eat, yea (mallow np the reputation of the ixnecant But I shall not flay upon thefe readings, which are but f'arre fercht and forraine conjeetures. I clofe and conclude with cur own trarfation, which plainly holds forth, that 7oh was now come to the urmoft breech and Extremity of affli tion, Hie bones were pierced within him in the night (eaten, and hieftnews took no reft. He had a continual) fe- ver, a burning heate feeding upon the vitalls of lus body , while his foule was poured out uponhim. Hence note. T f b: fé of men are fubjeet to the wo ft extreamitiee, bath of fettle and body. .b was nor only of l:Fled, but extreamely afitied, not only was his body fmitten but his toile; any not his foule only but his body. He bath his load b th opon flefh nd Spirit , both with- out and within ; or as the Ap :ft ie eexta_ ffeth it in his owncafe, (zCar. 5.) wjrh: ut were ftgOtings, within were fnares. At the 15,h verfe, we read ofterreurt purfuing hisfoule ; and at the 16th ( he faith ) hisfoule was powred out uponhim , affliblien dales tooke hold of him ; in this 17th verle, His bores werepier- ced in the nightfeafon, a,ad hisfinews rooks no rift. What could be added ( and doubtleffe ifSatan had knowne of any thing he would have added it y tomake him yet more miferable 1 There was but one thing mo e ( and that Satan could not adde) the wrath ofGodmingled with his fufferings , which might have added to his mifery, and yet he had a(hare, as to pretest appre- henfions,ofthat ago. Now, whenpaints of body, and terronrs of foule meettogether,then'tiefull fea with affliffion ; then'ria an af- plion day indeed. Though the body be extreamly affli&ed and pained, yet ifthe foule be free ; ifthere be no darts ofdarkueffe (ticking there, a man may beare up with it, and abide it; asSr./3. Z mon