Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

i86 Ch.ap.3o, lleo s xpafition upon the Book of ro 8. Verf.20. Godcertainly will; and fo 'cis expounded (v. 8.) / tellyou that be will ,.:verge themffreedily. That of the Apofile (Ro+a.8. 3z. ) carries the lame commanding fence with it ; He that (Pared not bis own fan, but delivered him upfor to all, how Jball he not with him al,: i, freely k;ve us all things elfe ? What good thing, that is d for us ca Ili ar r goo°,%íl E £)i fomn 'óriq when God bath given g a bereevt r not only the grace and Spirit of prayer, but agracious fervency and importunity ofSpirit in prayer, fo that be crycth . night and day tohim, how (hall he not give him that which he pray eth for. Winged prayers have ufually wingedanfwers, they are anfwered fpeedily. Though prayer, as prayer put up fincere- ly in the nan e ofChrift with faith fhall not be unanfwered yet the veherné'ncy and ardency of our fpirits in prayer prevailes molt for a fuddaine anfwer. Such a prayer like an arrowdrawne ro the h ad with a ftrong arme , flyes fwiftly and effedualiy. The Apoffle ?arses gives us this affurance ( Chap. 5. 16. ) Con- feffeyourfaults one to another, and pray one for another, that yet may be healed The tfr 1 etall fervent prayer of a righteous man .v.zileth much. In, wrought prayer, or prayer that hash a fpirit in it, carrieth all béfore it : the word is applyed to thofe that are poff'elt with an evill (pint; and we read in the Gofpel how vio lently f.hch men are acted ( Mark 5, 3,4.) furely that prayer which is acted by the holy Spirit, nothing can bindor hold from prevailing. (P-al. 34. 5. ) They looked unto him and were light- wed: and theirfaces were not afhamed. ?brapeore man cried, and the Lordbeardhim andfaved him outof all his trouble. TheLord heardhim when he cryed; and when did he cry ? when he was p,00re, or dittreffed ; ordinary prayer would not ferve his turne then; and then he had more then an ordinary hearing. But though hob ( I ) cryed in his afic`fion, vet ( which even amazed him) he was not heard. I cry unto thee, but thou doe fl not heart mee; We are not to underhand it as if Goddid trot heare at all, Or not take in the. fenceofwhat he prayed : As God hearer whofoe- ver fpeakes, and whatfoever is fpoken all the world over, fo He heareth our loweft whifpers as much as our loudeft cryes; yea he hearts the languageofour hearts ;what we thinke is as evident and;