Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

r90 Chape 30. An 'Expofetion upon the Book of J n a. Vert, 2o. Secondly , Though we receive not the mercy pre(ently , yet if we receive frefh strength to beare thewant of it, that's an an- fver: fo pan/ was anfwered,God did not remove the meffenget ofSachan from him, but he lard 'r Mygrace is f"fficientfor tbee, and myffrength ii made perfeEi in weakneffe, though I remove not the evils, yet my power (hall fupport thee under it. Thirdly We arc anfwered, when though theevils be not re- moved, yet we have faith and patience towaite and tarry the Lords lei lure for the removal ofie. When patience hath a perfeff veorke (either in espeáing or fuffering )we areperfeR and entire, wanting nothing, though we have not what wewant, ram. r. 4. Laftly , He is anfveered in prayer that is more heavenly , or more in heavenafter prayer. He that is edified in his holy faith, bath certainly prayed in the holy Ghoft, (rude y. 20. ) and lure enough, every fuch prayer is heard. Secondly , Note ; Godly menare alwayes beard of god,yet they often thinke they are not beard. -1 cry unto thee, bat thou doeft not Beare me. It was fo with Jefas Chrift himlelfe, ('Tfat. 22. 2. ) He cryed, eMr God, my god, why haft thou forfaken me ! why art the" fu farro from helping me , andfrom the words ofmy roaring ? O my God I cry in the day time but thou heartfl not; and in the night reafon, andam not ilent. 'ris a ground of much comfort to re- Eh if{ a Want member, that as Chrif bore other kind of afffiftions for us, N carníe Huffs that afliidionalfo,not to be heard, when be prayed ; even Chrift dejperationer, was not heard as to fence and prefent apprehenfion as he was qua exiltima man ; Chrift indurcd not only forrow and death for us, but ade- en:c, no, in me nyall of deliverance from death and of fencible comforts under d,js .tali! non rxa"dtri the furrows ofdeath ; and that (houldbeare us up,that as Chrift , f "o b"mero "t endured and overcame other temptations in our ftead fo this d7 afro, h"- alto that his father turned a deafe care co him,ween he cryed. matou morbos Further, it feemes ?ob wed to be heard, elfe he had not taken 'r°"fl"i "' "` notice ofhis not being heard ; 1cryunto thee, and thou deft not . ear vincerere d "r nos in to heare wee. v«nc`.m Hence note ; Agodyman bath this priviledge, tube heard in prayer. As we fayofthe Favourite of a Great Prince , fo we mayof him,