Chap. 30. An Expofition upon the Book of Jet a. Verl., 20. 191 him, He bath theBare of the King, thecare of.God. Againenote; It is very grievcou to thole that have bad the eare of God not to orfor them that sefe tobeheard net to be heard, Aman that bath had the careofa Great Prince, if he fhould be Phut out from him, it would cut him to the heart, if not kill him ; for a ftranger that never hadany thing to doe with Trim, tohe denied audience, 'tis no great matter. The boffe of any pri- viledge affItas more then never to have had it. I 'land up, and thou regardeft me net. TóRand upis a poflure of the body, which fignifies in Scrip ture ; Firft, Only the prefenceofa man where he is ; ( Math. rd. 28.) Verily Ifay untoyou, there be fotne'lauding ( that is pre- Pent) here, whichTha& not tall of death, till they feethe fon ef man coming in bit kingdrme. Thus ( 7ohn r. 26;')1óhn ;a»fzveréd them faying, Ibaptise with water, but therefandeth one among you whom ye know not. And againe, ( 7o1sn 18. 18. ) Peter flood with them (hewas among them at the fire) and warmedhimfelfe, Secondly , To Randnotes the upright pollute of a man, as op- poled to [cooping, kneeling and lying; (r Icings 8 22. )_ And Solomon flood ( He did not kneele in his Brayer., which is the moft rituals praying-poflure, butllood) before the Altar ofthe Lord in the prefence ofthe Congregation of Ifrael, and Oread his bands to. ward heaven. Thirdly, Standing fignifies the readineffe of aman to acsor fpeake. He that bath a mind ro fpeake ftands up, (Luke r 9.8. ) And Zacheses flood, andfail unto the Lord, Behold the halfe of my goods Igive to thepore. When yofbua.tbe High'Prieff snasfiand- ing before the Lord (ready to pray for the people) Satan was ,Banding at his right hand ((hewinghis readinetfe) to refifi; barn, Zech. 3. I. .. Fourthly, To 'hodnp, notes conflan -cy and, pet'feverance ( Phil. 4. r.) Thereföre myBrethren, dearely belovedand longed rilelo 114:. for, my joy andcrotene, foflandfafl in the Lord my dearely belo- Porf ase, loved. (Colof! 4. i a.) Lpaplrras who io one ofyou, afervaxt of Chrif#,falutethyou, alweiye,rlabouring ferventlyforyou inpray