Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

. 19z Chap. 3o. An Expoftion upon the Booke of JO a. Verf. o, ers, that ye may /land ( that is, continue) perfeFl, and eompleat in all the will ofGod. (i Thief. 3.8.) For nowwe live ifye/land faß in the Lord. The word which we render/landfall in two of there texts, is only /land in the Greeke : he that Both not Rand faft, can hardly be laid to (land ; and he that /tand..t. fs .0 the Lord, perfevereth or is conftant in the faith and profcfíìot4 of the Lord. When lob faith, I)(land up, what doth this geft r intimate? prayer urely his conftancy and perfeverance in , ftanding much a prayer- gefture, that it is fomttimes put for prayer, r, a fn ere. 15. ) Though Mofer and Samuelflood beforeme ; i eff aran i5 and made interceffión before me for this people, yet tit, v s prayed yerjeveranda my mind could not be towards them. But as ftanding notes pray- tndeciinabi- er fo more then bare prayer,evenmuch inftancy and continuance tisidocla.Phi in' prayer, as allo waiting for an anfwer to prayer. Thus we are to take it here ; and fo tome tranflate the text, I hold on or per- minime s torsos. fevers, but thou regardcft not, or thou regardtít menot, though , T1gur: I am Rillurging and importuning thee byprayer. Hence note s True Believers will not only pray°earneflly, but perfeveringly, soot only cry, but /land before god,and abide by it. Suppofe they get nothing at preterit, yet they will of be put off, nor difcouraged, but and to it ; fervency in prayer good, but perfeverance isbetter. Further, When 7cb faith, I fland up, we may confider him in thepofture of a fervant, ready to receive commiffion or com- mand from hisMailer, whether, togoe, and what todoe. As if ?éb had faid,When I have prayed for mercy at the handof God, I ft andup to expeâ his orders for direÇtion in matter of dude ; It is an excellent frame of fpirit , when we have cryed to God to doe forus, then to stand waiting what God would have U) doe. Some willpray to receive favours from him, who yet, are unwilling to receive commands from him. They cry out for re- liefe, but they care 'Mt toobey ; or they would have God doe their will, but they have no will todoe his. I/land up and theta regardef me rot'. if tnan Thou feeft me not, or takelt no notice of wire ; we