Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap. 3o. 4n Expofition upon the Books Bi J o a. Verf. 2a. age, we come before him, will not fo much as looke upon us, what can be a greater dtirefped ? As the Lordbeard the cry of the chil- drenof Ifraelby reafonoftheir Tatke- 2Waffer:, fohe faith, Ihave furelyfeene the a iblion ofmy people, whichare in Egypt (Exod.3. 7, 9. ) That is, I have fully confidered their opprefiìons, and have a due regard unto their perlons. David beggs fuch a looke of God, ( Pfal. 25. IS.) Lookeupon mine of fluEtion, and my liable, and forgive all mylint. Hagar perceived and was very fencible that Thee had it, (9en.' 16. 11, 14.) AndAte called the nameof the Lord that fake unto ber, thou Codfeefi me : for thee fdid, have I alfo here looked after him that Teethmee : YYherefere the well was called Beerlabai-roi, behold it is between Kadeßi, and Bered. It will be our perfeâ happines in the next life to have a fight of God, and it is a high priviledge in this life to be feene of God. God(Igrant)feeth all men,and to be feene onlyfo as all men are feene cannot be a priviledge to any man. But when Hagar put loch a remarke both uponGod who law her, and upon the place where he law her, purely in reference to his feting ofher, doubt- leffe thee intended more then common feeing, or fuch a-fight as God bellows upon, and indeed (becaufe he is all eye all fight) is common to all men.So that when Hagar fayd,Thou Godfeeft me, her meaning is,Goddid that for her which fob complaines he did not for him ; He regardedher. This light ofGod, or inch a look from him, is a high a fignalt favour. `This fight ofGod is ope- rative and influential(upon man. As the Lords not feeing or not taking noticeofwicked men, is their undoing, and he fends them to hel, and utter damnation, with this killing word, depart from me, I know yonnot ; fo when God takes notice ofhis, 'ds as the doing of all forthem, and when he gives them any intimation of his regard to them, 'do life and peace to them,yea'tis heaven and falvation to them. Confider then how fad it was with yob, who faith to God, Thou regardefi me not , that is , I have no prelent teftimony ofany favour from thee, or acceptance with thee. But may fome fay, is it not very finfull for any godly man to fay thus to God, I cry unto thee , and thou doefi not heare me , I Rand up and thou regardef me not ? Is not this to charge God foolifhly, yea to charge him falfely ? whom doth God regard, ifhe regard not the godly ? and whole crywill he heart, if he heart not theirs? Cc Ian-