Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

194 bap3a. An Texpofition open the Book of Jo B. Verf.zo. I anfwer, Thefe:are not the words,nor is thische fpeech ofone that accufeth God as unfaithfuii tohis word ofpromife, but they are the words of one, that (fomewhat over-boldly indeed) ex- poftulates withGod for putting offor deferring the performance of his word or promife. Saints often expoftulate orreafon their cafe with God, why he doth not heare their prayers, nor give them a token for good that he regards their perlons, but they never acetate Cod , nor fay directly, we pray and God doth not at all regard. To fay fo were to charge God foolifhly and. falfely. To conclude, Some read this laft elaufe without a negation,, I/land up and thou regardefi or markeft mee; and in the 1+1v ew there is none, as the different letter in which the rwgacive psrti- cie,not,is printed in our Bibles, doth plainly enforme the reader. So that we afTume the negative out ofthe former part The ori- ginal l is only thus, Icry unto thee, and then doefg not hearemee, I fiand up, and thou regardef1, sr marl a ft mee. Thus Mr. Broughton gives his eradiation affirmatively, But rhos deeft mark me ; how? to helpeme; no, but (as the fameÄurhour gk ffeth his tran- Confideras flation) tobring upon meal! kinds of punifhment, or to efpy all me, non ut opc advantages how to 4fiiit me more,as ifthou wertrotonly plea. milers red in fed to aft:ha me , but pleafed with my affliâion. As if yobhere ge pE q4 kp,é intended the marking ofan enemy, to refTe heavier and heavier pren, ex mea upon his oppofite, till he totally vanquifhed him orget his will ttferia. Bruf: ofhitn.Our negative traaflation fuits beft with the former words; And this affirmative ttanflation complycs befit with the words which follow ; Than art ç'ruellto wee. JOB 3°.