Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v9

Chap.30. í1n expofition upon the Rook of Jà s. Verf.27. i J O L, 30. Verf. 21, 22, 23, 24. 7'hcu art become Cruell to nie : with thy :prong hand thou oppofeft thyfelfe again Nee. Thou liftefl me up to the wind: thou caxfeil mee to ride upon it, anddifólveit niyfubftance : For Iknow that thou wilt bring mee to death, and to the houfe appointed for all living. Howbeit,hewill not ftrctch out his hand to thegrave, though they cry in his deftru°Jion. IN the former verfe lob complained, that he prayed and was not heard : that he waited upon God and was not regarded ; but now he complaints higher, or thefts the hight of that complaint. Verf. 21. Thouart become Cruell to me : with thyfirong hand thou oppoffi thy felfe againfl mee. Thou art become ; TheHebrew is, Thou art turned, or Chan- ged : there is no change nor turning, not fo much as a fhadow of it in God, yet asto us he often appeares changed and turned. So we understand the Prophet fpeaking of Gods dealing with the people ofIjrael, ( Ija. 63. la ) They rt belled, and vexed his holy Spirit, therefore he was turned to be their enemy ; rha: is He who had beftowed upon them the higheft mark'es of honorer and friendfhip, did then declare hirrfelfe in the pofture of an enemy. Theunkind rerurnes which they made for the tokens of his love conftrainedhim ( asit were) to take up Armes, and turne their enemy. or ( as it followes there) to fight against them. S» then, This turning may be Confidered with a two -fold re- fixA. Fir ft, With refpeet to the natureofGod ; Thus God tsarneth not , He ever is what he was, and'he ever will be what he is. Secondly With refpee to the ac`tings of God ; Thus in his actions or ':vorki be changes fromwhat he was, and becomes what he hash not been. In this fence we are to understand 7,6 here, when he fpeakes this extreame hard word of God, Thon C c 2 art